
Chapter 4:
Choosing a Billing Solution

2-minute read

Fee-for-service billing is notoriously daunting—with thousands of codes and a long list of rules on when and how to apply them. Download the full version of our New Physician Guide to learn how to select a billing solution that will help ensure you don’t miss out on income even as you’re still learning the ropes.

4.1 What to Look For in a Billing Solution

If you opt to do billing yourself (or in partnership with an on-site MOA), the best billing solution is the one that makes fast, accurate work of billing so you can stay focused on patient care and confidently in control of your revenue. 

Look for the following features when shopping for a billing solution:

  • Mobility
  • Ease of Use
  • No Manual Data Entry
  • Transparent Reporting
  • Premium Alerts
  • Rejection Management

4.2 Fee-For-Service Codes in Your Province

Each province has its own set of fee-for-service codes and rules for when and how to apply them. Our New Physician Guide connects you to the key resources in each province. 

90% of new family doctors don’t feel prepared for the business side of family practice.

-The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC): First Five Years Assessment Survey

4.3 Common Billing Errors 

Avoiding common billing errors can also go a long way to minimizing rejected claims and maximizing revenue. Here are 5 of the most common billing errors we see at Dr.Bill:

  1. Forgetting to add a referring physician
  2. Incorrect or incomplete health card information 
  3. A missing hospital admission date
  4. Forgetting to bill for telephone calls and consultations
  5. Incorrect use of premium codes

Download the New Physicians eBook

Our Complete Guide for New Physicians will help you navigate your first year after residency so you can make a successful and enjoyable transition to practising physician.

Chapter 5: Creating an Efficient and Fulfilling Practice