OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Hand And Wrist

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Code Description Fee


R611 Hand all 'metacarpals $289.50
R608 Metacarpal or metaphalangeal joint $190.20
R606 Phalanx $161.45
R629 Revision of amputated finger tip $241.55
R610 Trans. metacarpal 2nd to 5th ray $279.35
R612 Wrist $289.50


R465 Finger-thumb $321.30
R466 Wrist $714.70


R209 Basal thumb first carpometacarpal joint $363.05
R236 Carpal replacement $322.05

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R436 Hand - interposition - multiple $459.40
R435 Hand - interposition - single $254.35
R500 Removal only $144.80
R489 Single joint total (arthrodesis and/or arthroplasties) maximum of 4 $290.55
R437 Wrist - interposition $374.00
R479 Wrist - removal only $193.00
R485 Wrist - total $679.95


R682 Wrist arthroscopy setup $400.00


R409 Finger $168.00
R410 Wrist $212.50


Z214 Bone - open biopsy or taking of bone graft by other than operating surgeon $144.80
Z230 Bone - punch, xray control $89.70
Z221 Joint - needle $49.20
Z219 Muscle needle biopsy, soft tissue, per site $31.20
Z228 Soft tissue - open $97.35

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

Decompression - Denervation

Z290 Aspiration/injection-hip infant $63.95

Examination / Manipulation

Z222 Manipulation under general anaesthetic $134.10


R285 Bone - Carpal bone (one) $214.45
R317 Bone - Dorsal exostosis (triquetrum) $189.75
R283 Bone - Phalanx/metacarpal $193.00
R316 Bone - Proximal row carpectomy $338.75
R286 Bone - Radial styloid $234.75
R492 Joint - Radioulnar meniscectomy $231.10
R407 Joint - Synovectomy of extensor or flexor tendons $224.45
R425 Joint - Synovectomy/capsulectomy/debridement - finger joint $226.40
R414 Joint - Synovectomy/capsulectomy/debridement - two or more joints $339.65
R418 Joint - Synovectomy/debridement wrist $342.55
R523 Muscle - complex $484.35
R522 Muscle - simple $193.00
R551 Soft tissue - Excision of fascia for Dupuytrens (palmar fibromatosis), single ray, with or without flaps $322.15
R549 Soft tissue - Ganglion Simple or complex $177.80

Incision and Drainage

R219 Phalanx/metacarpal/carpus - incision and drainage $182.90
R217 Phalanx/metacarpal/carpus - saucerization and bone graft $242.25
R218 Phalanx/metacarpal/carpus - sequestrectomy $144.80
R534 Phalanx/metacarpal/carpus - Tendon sheath $225.00


R258 Bone - Deformity - Osteotomy phalanx - middle proximal or metacarpal $193.20
R257 Bone - Deformity - Osteotomy phalanx - terminal $162.65
R345 Bone - Pseudoarthrosis/non-union/avascular necrosis - Carpal bone, other than scaphoid $260.75
R321 Bone - Pseudoarthrosis/non-union/avascular necrosis - Phalanx, metacarpal $260.75
R322 Bone - Pseudoarthrosis/non-union/avascular necrosis - Scaphoid $588.20
R603 Extremities - Digital reimplantation involving microvascular and neuro anastomosis $1,586.20
R602 Extremities - Pollicization $596.35
R548 Ligaments - Extensive/multiple repair wrist $511.45
R601 Ligaments - Metacarpal phalangeal repair $316.75
R597 Ligaments - Simple/single repair wrist $301.60
R582 Tendon - Boutonniere - late $246.65
R577 Tendon - Boutonniere - open $147.30
R585 Tendon - Flexor - single $307.60
R574 Tendon - Mallet finger - K-wire $133.95
R573 Tendon - Mallet finger - open $147.20
R554 Tendon - Silicone rod insertion - one $294.20
R559 Tendon - Tendon graft - one $306.30
R586 Tendon - Tendon graft - Reconstruction of flexor tendon pulley, per finger $97.35
R578 Tendon - Tendon repair extensor - single $164.10
R557 Tendon - Tenoplasty - one $223.65
R563 Tendon - Transplant/transfer - single $284.95


F013 Fractures - Bennett's - closed reduction $119.80
F012 Fractures - Bennett's - no reduction, rigid immobilization $49.20
F015 Fractures - Bennett's - open reduction $335.80
D007 Fractures - Carpal - closed reduction $128.05
D008 Fractures - Carpal - open reduction $241.30
F016 Fractures - Carpus - closed reduction, one or more $115.10
F102 Fractures - Carpus - no reduction, rigid immobilization $49.20
F017 Fractures - Carpus - open reduction, one or more $346.15
D001 Fractures - Dislocations - Finger - closed reduction $57.50
D003 Fractures - Dislocations - Finger - open reduction $196.50
D004 Fractures - Dislocations - Metacarpal/phalangeal - closed reduction $57.50
D006 Fractures - Dislocations - Metacarpal/phalangeal - open reduction $181.85
F006 Fractures - Intra-articular - closed reduction $119.75
F010 Fractures - Intra-articular - open reduction $335.80
F009 Fractures - Metacarpal - closed reduction $99.25
F008 Fractures - Metacarpal - no reduction, one or more, rigid immobilization $49.20
F011 Fractures - Metacarpal - open reduction $262.60
F005 Fractures - Phalanx - closed reduction $99.25
F004 Fractures - Phalanx - no reduction, rigid immobilization $49.20
F007 Fractures - Phalanx - open reduction $298.45
F020 Fractures - Scaphoid - excision $193.00
F018 Fractures - Scaphoid - no reduction, rigid immobilization $49.20
F019 Fractures - Scaphoid - open reduction $480.00


R541 Flexor tenolysis with pulley preservation $309.00
R575 Tendon - Tenolysis flexor and/or extensor tendon of - one digit $194.05
R536 Tendon release (open) - finger/palm $156.50
R537 Tendon release (open) - Wrist $175.00
Z247 Tenotomy or fasciotomy (closed) - Finger - one $49.20
Z231 Tenotomy or fasciotomy (closed) - Finger - three or more $73.70
Z249 Tenotomy or fasciotomy (closed) - Finger - three or more $99.15
Z248 Tenotomy or fasciotomy (closed) - Finger - two $72.35
R592 Tumours - Soft tissues - deep $484.35

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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