OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Femur

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Code Description Fee


R625 GrittiStokes or Callander $349.85
R626 Through femur $306.30


R256 Soft tissue - Injection into bone cysts $117.00

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


R314 Bone - Simple cyst/exostosis $225.50

Incision and Drainage

R242 Bone $325.75
R243 Saucerization and graft $619.90
R245 Sequestrectomy $395.25

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R966 Deformity - Bone transport circular external fixation (greater than 6 cm) $763.80
R965 Deformity - Bone transport circular external fixation (less than or equal to 6 cm) $655.15
R964 Deformity - Double level correction circular external fixation $798.10
R262 Deformity - Osteotomy femoral shaft $727.15
R215 Deformity - Osteotomy supracondylar $387.00
R963 Deformity - Single level correction circular external fixation $638.40
R633 Fascial - complex with or without synthetic graft or rotation flap $402.75
R632 Fascial - simple $193.00
F097 Fractures - Closed reduction - cast $258.90
F096 Fractures - Closed reduction - open reduction $670.00
F095 Fractures - Closed reduction - traction - adult or adolescent $407.35
F094 Fractures - Closed reduction - traction infant or child $258.00
R340 Leg length discrepancy - Femoral epiphysiodesis $301.60
R332 Leg length discrepancy - Femoral lengthening $541.95
R333 Leg length discrepancy - Femoral shortening $480.70
R343 Leg length discrepancy - Femoral stapling $313.65
R969 Leg length discrepancy - Lengthening with circular external fixation (greater than 6 cm) $763.80
R968 Leg length discrepancy - Lengthening with circular external fixation (less than or equal to 6 cm) $546.55
R341 Leg length discrepancy - Tibial and femoral epiphysiodesis $426.90
R344 Leg length discrepancy - Tibial and femoral stapling $387.00
R571 Muscles/tendons - Lengthening of hamstrings - Tendon or muscle transfer $307.15
R561 Muscles/tendons - Quadriceps repair - Iliotibial band $190.10
R530 Muscles/tendons - Quadriceps repair - Quadricepsplasty all types $381.40
R587 Muscles/tendons - Quadriceps repair - reconstructive $387.00
Z197 Muscles/tendons - Quadriceps repair -Closed release of iliotibial band $49.20
R562 Muscles/tendons - Tenotomy of hamstrings - multiple $193.00
R967 Pseudoarthrosis - Circular external fixation $291.40

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