MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Plastic Surgery

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Code Description Fee


06114 Abrasive surgery - full face $523.79
06112 Abrasive surgery <1/4 of face $126.70
06113 Abrasive surgery 1/4 to 1/2 of face $246.18


06126 Blepharoplasty - complicated $392.82
61026 Blepharoplasty-complicated-non-cosmetic(bilateral) $589.27
06125 Eyelids - blepharoplasty - simple $261.90
61025 Eyelids-blepharoplasty-simple(bilateral) $392.82


61046 Biologic tissue for breast reconstruction-extra $303.46
61047 Biologic tissue for breast reconstruction-extra $43.77
61045 Immediate breast reconstruction-extra $202.31

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06081 Burns surgical excision - first 5% of body surface $376.08
06082 Burns surgical excision/each additional 5% of body $203.93
06083 Burns, severe, general care - first hour $254.92
06084 Burns, severe, general care - subsequent hours $203.93
06080 Burns; subsequent surg debridement; each 5% body $30.37
06078 Minor burns; dressing (in hosp care only) $57.62
06079 Surgical debridement; minor burns, each 5% of body $122.35

Cavity Grafting

06062 Bone cavity grafting in large bone over 7.5 cm $441.02
06065 Bone cavity in large bone - cavity grafting $311.13
06064 Bone cavity in small bone - cavity grafting $254.92
06066 Cavity grafting; absence of vagina - congenital $582.45
06060 Skin grafts - cavity grafting - mouth $523.79
06055 Skin grafts - cavity grafting - eye socket $441.02
06057 Skin grafts - cavity grafting - nose $393.90
06061 Skin grafts/cavity grafting - lining pedicle flaps $300.67
06056 Skin grafts/cavity grafting/eye socket with mucosa $675.68

Cell-assisted Lipotransfer for soft defects (Aspiration and Injections)

61250 Lipotransfer - aspiration - volume < 20 ml $81.88
61252 Lipotransfer - aspiration - volume > 60 ml $143.28
61251 Lipotransfer - aspiration - volume 21-60 ml $102.34
61260 Lipotransfer - injection functional area: < 20ml $122.81
61261 Lipotransfer - injection functional area: > 20 ml $184.23
61271 Lipotransfer-injection nonfunc area: 21 to 60 ml $143.28
61270 Lipotransfer-injection nonfunctional area: < 20ml $102.34
61272 Lipotransfer-injection nonfunctional area: > 60ml $184.23


06130 Auricle - accessory $254.92
06133 Microtia - total major $938.36
06132 Microtia - partial $377.06
06134 Microtia - total minor $307.05
06131 Otoplasty - outstanding ears(unilateral) $317.82
61031 Otoplasty-outstanding ears(bilateral) $476.72
06180 Preauricular sinus - complicated $304.33
06135 Preauricular sinus - simple $254.92


61222 Crif phalangeal or metacarpal fracture (mid/prxml) $227.73
06222 Finger fracture - phalanx $126.70
06224 Fracture - distal phalanges, first $150.64
06225 Fracture - distal phalanges, each additional $126.70
06223 Fracture - metacarpal $126.70
61224 Open (compound) hand fractures primary wound mgmt $41.11
61225 Open (compound)hand fractures-secondary wound mgmt $82.15
61223 Orif phalangeal or metacarpal fracture (mid/prxml) $340.00

Free Skin Grafts (including mucosa)

61351 Full-thickness graft-arms, legs,scalp (2 to 19cm) $289.29
61352 Full-thickness graft-axilla,cheeks,chin, etc (2 to $355.27
61353 Full-thickness graft-ears,eyelids,lips and nose (2 $395.89
61350 Full-thickness graft-trunk (2 to 19 cm) $228.39
61354 Graft (pinch,split or full thickness)-open area-up $310.00
06053 Skin graft; functional areas: head & neck > 65 cm $648.00
06054 Skin grafts - head and neck - in excess of 195 sq $1,033.97
06052 Skin grafts - head and neck - 65 sq. cm or less $440.00
06048 Skin grafts - split thickness - free - 650 sq. cm $648.00
06047 Skin grafts - split thickness - free - 65 sq. cm $432.00
06058 Skin grafts; functional areas; major joints, late $523.79
06046 Split thickness free skin graft; < 6.5 sq. cm. $300.00
06049 Split thickness free skin grafts; each 6.5 > 650 $8.00

Joints - Interphalangeal or Metacarpophalangeal

06229 Arthrodesis of metacarpophalangeal/interphalangeal $344.75
06228 Arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal/interphalangea $344.75
06231 Hand joints - rheumatoid - reconstruction $992.21
06235 Intrinsic release - joints $254.92
06236 Metacarpo/interphalangeal joint - closed reduction $125.35
06237 Metacarpo/interphalangeal joint - open reduction $254.92
06232 Prosthesis - finger joint - first joint $259.64
06233 Prosthesis - finger joint - subsequent joints $147.59
06234 Synovectomy - rheumatoid disease $351.20


06169 Treatment of lymphoedema, using the thompson procedure - lower extremity leg $591.48
06167 Treatment of lymphoedema, using the thompson procedure- upper extremity forearm $353.91
06168 Treatment of lymphoedema, using the thompson procedure-arm $235.39
06170 Treatment of lymphoedema, using the thompson procedure-thigh $591.48

Lesions and Scars

61319 Excision of lesion(in hosp),tumour-free margin-ext $101.89
61316 Lesions & scars-eyelids, ears, lips, etc. < 2cm $178.30
61318 Lesions & scars-eyelids, ears, lips, etc. >4 cm $290.38
61317 Lesions & scars-eyelids, ears, lips, etc. 2-4 cm $213.97
61313 Lesions & scars-face, scalp, neck, etc. < 5cm $169.13
61315 Lesions & scars-face, scalp, neck, etc. > 10cm $275.10
61314 Lesions & scars-face, scalp, neck, etc. 5-10 cm $224.15
61311 Lesions & scars-trunk, arms & legs - 5-10cm $157.92
61312 Lesions & scars-trunk, arms & legs- > 10cm $234.35
61310 Lesions & scars-trunk, arms & legs-< 5cm $122.27

Major Flap Procedures

61152 Abdominal panniculectomy where medically indicated, secondary to chronic subpanus intertrigo, which has been unresponsive to a reasonable period of medical treatment $910.00
06110 Cheeks -facial paralysis - dynamic slings with local functional muscle transfer (unilateral) $785.69
06111 Cheeks- facial paralysis static slings (unilateral $650.54
06129 Combined complete repair as above and rhytidectomy unilateral $945.41
06120 Complete repair for facial paralysis, plication of paralyzed muscles, meloplasty, and resection of overactive muscles bilateral $838.07
06151 Decubitus ulcers - excision and treatment of bone, rotation flaps, and skin grafts to secondary defect $866.70
61158 Myocutaneous flap or fascia cutaneous flap rotated on its vascular or neurovascular pedicle involving major muscles $955.00
61157 Myocutaneous flap or fascia cutaneous flap rotated on its vascular or neurovascular pedicle involving medium muscles $630.91
61156 Myocutaneous flap or fascia cutaneous flap rotated on its vascular or neurovascular pedicle involving small muscles $444.79
06159 Tram flap reconstruction of mastectomy defect $1,021.77


06309 Mandibular osteotomy - internal fixation/bilateral $1,183.97
06308 Mandibular osteotomy/internal fixation/unilateral $823.07
06303 Maxillo-facial osteotomy; le fort iii extracranial $2,476.77
06302 Maxillo-facial osteotomy; le fort iii intracranial $2,907.70
06306 Osteotomies, mandibular maxillo-facial - bilateral $968.51
06305 Osteotomies, mandibular maxillo-facial/unilateral $806.91
06304 Osteotomies, maxillo-facial - malar maxilliary $1,291.71
06301 Osteotomies, maxillo-facial le fort ii - pyramidal $1,399.45
06300 Osteotomies, maxillo-facial; le fort 1, horizontal $1,130.11
06307 Osteotomies, pre-maxillary set back $806.91
06314 Osteotomy - canthopexy $564.52
06312 Osteotomy - intracranial correction hypertelorism $3,769.56
06311 Osteotomy - orbital advancement $3,123.16
06310 Osteotomy - orbital advancement - unilateral $2,799.96
06313 Osteotomy - orbital expansion $3,015.43


61210 Certified plastic surgeon assist, over 1 hr-extra $50.58
06217 Microreimplantation - digit or extremity $3,108.88
06259 Microsurgical removal neoplasm, digital/palmar $336.04
06216 Microvascular surgery - artery or vein $675.48
06220 Microvascular surgical free flap $3,108.09


06221 Bone graft - inlay bone grafting of metacarpal or phalanx $354.92
61361 Eyebrow ptosis repair-simple skin excision-bilater $392.82
61360 Eyebrow ptosis repair-simple skin excision-unilate $261.90
06182 Ganglia of tendon sheath or joint $182.27
06085 Tissue expansion - major areas $559.83
06086 Tissue expansion - minor areas $351.98


06138 Cleft lip - bilateral $1,061.16
06139 Cleft lip - unilateral $558.04
06144 Cleft lip, bilateral - incomplete $750.90
06145 Cleft palate $553.74
06137 Full lip thickness transfer by rotation flap $548.93
06181 Lip adhesion for cleft palate $393.22
06147 Palatal cleft - bone graft $612.99
06143 Pharyngeal flap push back $750.90
06142 Pharyngoplasty, pharyngeal flap $542.97
06136 Plastic repair abbe operation $641.12


06256 Nerve repair - palmar $254.92
06156 Neuroma transplant $254.92
06257 Peripheral nerve suture: major $403.31
06255 Peripheral nerve suture: minor $254.92

Nose and Sinuses

06124 Nasal fracture - wire plate fixation - open reduct $533.27
06117 Rhinophyma $335.05
06116 Rhinoplasty - composite graft $331.03
06115 Rhinoplasty - forehead, 2 operations $917.68
06109 Rhinoplasty - removal of hump $238.09
06119 Rhinoplasty; bone graft nose, non-autologous $493.41
06118 Rhinoplasty; bone graft to nose - autologous $601.15


06153 Bone graft orbit, autologous $612.99
06154 Bone graft orbit, non-autologous implant $462.17


06087 Incision subperiosteal abscess $254.92

Other Wounds

61057 Nipple areolar reconstruction and tattooing $457.84
06238 Repair of complicated fingertip injury $201.05
06027 Repair of torn (split) earlobe (simple) (operation only) $118.31

Referred Cases

06012 Consultation, limited or repeat, plastic surgery $48.27
06010 Consultation, plastic surgery $98.50
06005 Emergency visit - plastic surgery $104.23
66015 Pre-operative assessment - plastic surgery $98.50
06009 Subsequent visit, home, plastic surgery $80.00
06008 Subsequent visit, hospital, plastic surgery $36.71
06007 Subsequent visit, office, plastic surgery $25.43
66010 Telehealth major consultation, plastic surgery $98.50
66012 Telehealth repeat or limited consult plastic surg $48.27
66008 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit -plastic surg $36.71
66007 Telehealth subsequent office visit plastic surgery $25.43

Regional Mandibulo-Facial

06272 Alveolar fracture - additional teeth $79.71
06271 Alveolar fracture - one tooth extraction $128.20
06293 Bone graft jaw, autologous $541.89
06294 Bone graft jaw, non-autologous $499.88
06250 Face, fracture le forte - horizontal $968.21
06251 Face, fracture le forte - pyramidal $1,070.17
06252 Face, fracture le forte/cranio-facial dysjunction $1,213.31
06273 Fracture-alveolus; arch bar fixation $409.62
06241 Gunning splints impression $457.87
06240 Interdental and intermaxillary wiring $445.96
06243 Mandible -open reduction - bilateral $866.25
06242 Mandible -open reduction - unilateral $662.31
06245 Mandible -open reduction and wiring - bilateral $968.21
06244 Mandible -open reduction and wiring - unilateral $764.28
06291 Mandibular resection; tumours; enucleation $606.54
06292 Mandibular resection; tumours; with bone graft $860.78
06265 Maxillary fracture zygomatic - arch - temporal $356.42
06261 Maxillary fracture zygomatic - open reduction and $637.40
06262 Maxillary fracture zygomatic - reduction $457.93
06260 Maxillary fracture zygomatic - temporal elevation $328.22
06270 Orbital floor fracture - open reduction $743.98
06246 Removal of sutures, intra-oral splints, under ga $301.47
06282 Temporo-mandibular arthroplasty $726.12
06281 Temporo-mandibular joint; condylectomy $510.65
06280 Temporo-mandibular joint; meniscectomy $446.25
06253 Wire suspension, craniomaxillary $1,111.81
06266 Zygomatic arch/open reduction/interosseous wiring $446.25

Skin and Subcutaneous Tissues

06042 Abscess - mid palmer/thenar/dorsal $254.92
06197 Acute tenosynovitis - finger $290.00
06198 Acute tenosynovitis - ulnar or radial bursa $290.00
61291 Biopsy, not sutured $89.10
61292 Biopsy,not sutured,multiples sm sitting,max4(extra $25.02

Skin Flaps and Grafts

61329 Advancement flap - defects more than 10 cm $393.85
61325 Advancement flap-face, neck or scalp (2.1 to 5 cm) $234.35
61327 Advancement flap-face, neck or scalp(5.1 to 10 cm) $355.27
61324 Advancement flap-nose,lids,lips or scalp-up to 2cm $185.44
61326 Advancement flap-other areas (2.1 to 5 cm) $182.38
61328 Advancement flap-other areas (5.1 to 10cm) $233.47
61320 Excision of malignant lesions-10-50cm - extra $61.13
61321 Excision of malignant lesions-51-100cm-extra $132.45
61322 Excision of malignant lesions-over 100cm-extra $183.40
61333 Flaps - arms, legs and scalp - defect up to 6 cm $305.76
61334 Flaps - arms,legs and scalp-defect 6 cm to 19 cm $346.00
61331 Flaps - trunk - defect 40 cm to 100 cm $324.82
61332 Flaps - trunk - defect greater than 100 cm $423.66
61330 Flaps - trunk - defect up to 40 cm $243.61
06033 Flaps from a distance - first stage -per operation $353.91
06031 Flaps from a distance -uper extremity-2nd stage $471.50
06034 Flaps from a distance-minor 2nd stage per operatio $235.39
06030 Flaps from a distance-upper extremity-init stage $591.47
06035 Flaps from a distance, delaying a flap(oper only) $163.48
61335 Flaps-arms,legs and scalp-defect > 19 cm $458.84
61341 Flaps-ears,eyelids,lips and nose-defect > 19 cm $509.26
61340 Flaps-ears,eyelids,lips and nose-defect 6 cm to $457.92
61339 Flaps-ears,eyelids,lips and nose-defect upto 6 cm $347.03
61338 Flaps-other area(axilla,cheeks,face,etc)-defect>19 $469.01
61337 Flaps-other area(axilla,cheeks,face,etc)6cm-19cm $346.78
61336 Flaps-other areas(axilla,cheeks,face,etc)upto 6cm $305.76
06148 Hair bearing scalp vacular island flap to eyebrow $483.98
06177 Neurovascular pedicle $744.43
61342 Revision of graft - less than 2 cm $203.01
61343 Revision of graft - between 2 and 5 cm $243.61
61344 Revision of graft - greater than 5 cm $284.22
06026 Skin graft; arterial island flap $353.91
06032 Skin grafts; flaps from a distance, lower,initial $710.26
06171 Syndactyly local flap - first cleft $254.92
06172 Syndactyly with skin graft - first cleft $453.55

Suture of Lacerations and Minor Traumatic Wounds

61308 Coordination of anesthetic svcs-for laceration ext $203.77
61305 Wounds-10.1 to 15cm-face(bleeders &/or layered clo $356.60
61304 Wounds-10.1 to 15cm-other than face, simple closur $285.29
61307 Wounds-15.1cm or more-face(bleeders &/or layered $407.55
61306 Wounds-15.1cm or more-other than face, simple clos $305.66
61303 Wounds-5.1 to 10cm-face(bleeders &/or layered clos $254.72
61302 Wounds-5.1 to 10cm-other than face, simple closure $244.52
61301 Wounds-up to 5cm-face(bleeders &/or layered closur $203.77
61300 Wounds-up to 5cm-other than face, simple closure $137.54

Tattooing Surgery (for haemangiomata, vitiligo, lentigines, etc.)

06200 Tattooing surgery facial area - < 1/4 of face $114.69
06201 Tattooing surgery facial area - 1/4 to 1/2 face $235.39
06202 Tattooing surgery facial area - full face $353.91
06205 Tattooing surgery non-facial area - < 6.5 sq. cm $59.75
06206 Tattooing surgery non-facial area - < 65 sq. cm $118.31
06207 Tattooing surgery non-facial area - < 650 sq. cm $235.39


06176 Digital transplant $952.71
61368 Extensor - primary or secondary repair - first ten $237.02
61369 Extensor - second to sixth tendon repair (extra) $118.51
61371 Extensor - twelfth and over tendon repair (extra) $29.62
61370 Extensor -seventh to eleventh tendon repair(extra) $59.24
61364 Flexor - second to sixth tendon repair (extra) $188.53
61365 Flexor - seventh to eleventh tendon repair (extra) $94.27
61366 Flexor - twelfth and over tendon repair (extra) $47.14
61363 Flexor-primary or secondary repair - first tendon $377.06
61230 Needle aponeurectomy - dupuytren's diseasec $151.13
06193 Palmar fasciectomy - extensive $433.71
06194 Palmar fasciectomy - with skin grafting $561.51
06175 Pollicization $1,150.59
06195 Silastic rod prior to tendon grafting $462.17
06185 Tendon graft $705.63
06203 Tendon transfer hand and wrist $448.72
06204 Tendon transfer hand and wrist - each additional $163.48
06188 Tenolysis $392.14
06189 Tenolysis - each additional $145.44
06186 Tenoplasty - one tendon $231.62
06187 Tenoplasty - two or more tendons $377.06


61054 Bilateral mastectomy in the context of gender affirming surgery, female to male (ftm) - (to include bilateral subcutaneous mastectomy, nipple-areolar reconstruction and chest wall reconstruction $1,476.26
06179 Breast implant - excision only $245.70
06178 Breast implant - excision/pathologic capsule $410.00
06165 Breast replacement - bilateral $608.76
06164 Breast replacement - unilateral $405.66
61167 Mastopexy, balancing when performed at same time as contralateral breast surgery $305.44
61166 Mastopexy, balancing unilateral (isolated procedure) $458.02
06157 Nipple-areolar reconstruction $339.52
61050 Reduction mammoplasty for hypermastia bilateral $866.49
61053 Reduction mammoplasty for hypermastia bilateral $772.73
06150 Reduction mammoplasty for hypermastia - unilateral $527.85

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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