MSP Billing Codes
Specialty: Orthopaedics
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Code | Description | Anes | Fee |
Application of Cast (Incl. External Stimulator) |
51019 | Cast - below knee | 2 | $23.23 |
51024 | Cast - body | 2 | $86.95 |
51025 | Cast - cast brace | 2 | $46.49 |
51023 | Cast - hip spica - adult | 2 | $86.95 |
51022 | Cast - hip spica - child | 2 | $86.95 |
51017 | Cast - long arm | 2 | $23.23 |
51021 | Cast - long leg | 2 | $23.23 |
51020 | Cast - long leg cylinder | 2 | $23.23 |
51018 | Cast - shoulder spica | 2 | $86.95 |
51016 | Cast: short arm | 2 | $23.23 |
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Diagnostic and Therapeutic |
11402 | Aspiration - bursa/synovial sheath, etc. | 2 | $23.23 |
11602 | Aspiration - knee joint - bursa/tendon sheath, e | 2 | $23.23 |
11302 | Aspiration - bursa/tendon sheath - diagnostic | 2 | $23.23 |
11501 | Aspiration - hip joint | 2 | $23.23 |
11502 | Aspiration - hip -bursa/tendon sheath, etc. | 2 | $11.63 |
00757 | Aspiration other joints | 2 | $12.03 |
Elbow, Proximal Radius and Ulna |
53980 | Amputation - elbow | 3 | $406.12 |
53981 | Amputation - forearm | 3 | $406.12 |
53998 | Amputation - forearm - primary wound care | 3 | $102.26 |
53999 | Amputation - forearm - secondary wound management | 3 | $186.72 |
53810 | Arthrodesis - elbow joint | 3 | $718.88 |
53641 | Arthroplasty - elbow - interposition/distraction | 3 | $924.30 |
53642 | Arthroplasty- total elbow | 3 | $991.26 |
53643 | Arthroplasty- total elbow - revision | 3 | $1,335.36 |
11300 | Arthroscopy - elbow joint | 2 | $268.43 |
11332 | Arthroscopy/biopsy- elbow joint | 2 | $296.44 |
11315 | Arthrotomy - elbow joint | 2 | $186.72 |
53521 | Biceps tendon, distal insertion - elbow | 2 | $569.50 |
53520 | Biceps tendon, longhead, tenodesis - elbow | 2 | $270.75 |
11330 | Biopsy - needle - elbow joint/ga | 2 | $186.72 |
11345 | Biopsy - open - elbow joint | 2 | $242.74 |
53653 | Bone grafting - olecranon - elbow | 2 | $149.38 |
53652 | Bone grafting - radius and/or ulna - elbow | 2 | $242.74 |
53651 | Bone grafting: humerus - elbow | 2 | $242.74 |
53385 | Bone tumour - elbow - osteomyelitis-debridement | 2 | $322.10 |
53380 | Bone tumour - elbow - osteomyelitis, acute | 2 | $186.72 |
53712 | Distal humerus - closed reduction external fixation/percutaneous fixation | 2 | $386.07 |
53727 | Distal humerus - open injury, primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
53728 | Distal humerus - open injury, secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
53718 | Distal humerus - open injury, primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
53719 | Distal humerus - open injury, secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
53715 | Distal humerus - orif | 2 | $444.88 |
53726 | Distal humerus - orif - bicondylar with or without olecranon osteotomy | 2 | $868.26 |
53725 | Distal humerus - orif - unicondylar/osteochondral | 2 | $406.12 |
53602 | Distal humerus - repair - elbow | 2 | $718.88 |
53722 | Distal humerus-closed reduction external fixation | 2 | $354.78 |
53711 | Distal humerus: closed reduction, with ga, cast/traction | 2 | $186.72 |
53721 | Distal humerus: closed reduction, with ga, cast/traction/ and/or percutaneous fixation | 2 | $186.72 |
53370 | Elbow - bone tumour, benign | 2 | $270.75 |
53360 | Elbow arthrotomy - open synovectomy | 2 | $406.12 |
53365 | Elbow excision benign soft tissue tumor,subfacial | 2 | $270.75 |
53505 | Elbow instability- chronic | 2 | $676.86 |
53752 | Elbow joint - closed reduction, with ga | 2 | $242.74 |
53751 | Elbow joint - closed reduction, without ga | 2 | $149.38 |
53755 | Elbow joint - open reduction | 2 | $298.77 |
53225 | Elbow joint arthrotomy i and d | 2 | $186.72 |
53310 | Elbow, excision - debridement, synovectomy-total | 2 | $642.00 |
53305 | Elbow, excision -removal loose body | 2 | $333.85 |
53355 | Elbow, excision -therapeutic - bursa/ganglion | 2 | $214.73 |
53260 | Elbow, fasciotomy, compartment syndrome | 2 | $214.73 |
53269 | Elbow, incision - fasciotomy, secondary wound | 2 | $186.72 |
53255 | Elbow, incision-decompression,neurolysis | 2 | $406.12 |
53215 | Elbow, proximal radius- abscess i&d under ga | 2 | $186.72 |
53220 | Elbow, proximal radius/ulna - hematoma under ga | 2 | $242.74 |
53210 | Elbow, proximal radius/ulna - i & d | 2 | $186.72 |
53250 | Elbow,proximal radius/ulna- decompression/neuroly | 2 | $242.74 |
53540 | Epicondylitis - fascial stripping - elbow | 2 | $214.73 |
53606 | Epiphysiodesis - repair/revision - elbow | 2 | $270.75 |
53702 | Humeral epicondyle - closed reduction percutaneous fixation | 2 | $270.75 |
53701 | Humeral epicondyle - closed reduction, with ga, cast | 2 | $242.74 |
53708 | Humeral epicondyle - open injury, primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
53709 | Humeral epicondyle - open injury, secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
53705 | Humeral epicondyle - orif | 2 | $270.75 |
53601 | Humeral shaft - repair - elbow | 2 | $711.89 |
53410 | Injection of bursa/tendon sheath - elbow | 0 | $11.63 |
53405 | Injection of joint - elbow | 0 | $11.63 |
53415 | Int fixation device(s)-elbow-removal with ga | 2 | $214.73 |
53420 | Int fixation device(s)-elbow-removal/without ga | 2 | $70.02 |
53800 | Manipulation - under ga - elbow joint | 2 | $93.37 |
53738 | Olecranon - open injury, primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
53739 | Olecranon - open injury, secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
53735 | Olecranon - orif | 2 | $416.76 |
53644 | Osteocapsular arthroplasty | 4 | $924.49 |
53607 | Physeal bar excision/harvest - elbow | 2 | $448.14 |
53386 | Radial head resection - elbow | 2 | $242.74 |
53742 | Radial head/neck - closed reduction percutaneous fixation | 2 | $270.75 |
53741 | Radial head/neck - closed reduction, with ga, cast | 2 | $242.74 |
53748 | Radial head/neck - open injury, primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
53749 | Radial head/neck - open injury, secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
53745 | Radial head/neck - orif | 2 | $406.12 |
53605 | Radius and ulna shafts - repair/revision - elbow | 2 | $718.88 |
53779 | Radius or ulna shaft/monteggia - open injury, secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
53772 | Radius or ulna shaft/monteggia - closed reduction external fixation | 2 | $270.75 |
53778 | Radius or ulna shaft/monteggia - open injury, primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
53775 | Radius or ulna shaft/monteggia - orif | 2 | $416.76 |
53771 | Radius or ulna shaft/monteggia-closed reduction, with ga, cast | 2 | $270.75 |
53603 | Radius shaft -repair - elbow | 2 | $595.16 |
53761 | Radius/ulna shaft - closed reduction, without ga, cast | 2 | $93.37 |
53768 | Radius/ulna shaft - open injury, primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
53765 | Radius/ulna shaft - orif | 2 | $541.49 |
53762 | Radius/ulna shaft- closed reduction, with ga, cast | 2 | $298.77 |
53769 | Radius/ulna shaft-open injury, secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
53510 | Recurrent dislocation - radial head - elbow | 2 | $569.50 |
53530 | Tendon transfer - major - elbow | 2 | $718.88 |
53531 | Tendon transfer- minor - elbow | 2 | $434.15 |
53515 | Triceps tendon - acute - elbow | 2 | $352.44 |
53516 | Triceps tendon, fascial reconstruction - elbow | 2 | $406.12 |
53604 | Ulna shaft - repair - elbow | 2 | $520.94 |
Femur, Knee Joint, Tibia and Fibula |
56322 | Abrasion debridement, extra - first 15 min. | 2 | $143.81 |
56323 | Abrasion debridement,extra-each additional 15 min. | 0 | $71.91 |
56330 | Abrasion/debridement - knee | 2 | $287.62 |
56980 | Amputation - below the knee | 3 | $518.18 |
56998 | Amputation: below knee - open - prim. wound care | 3 | $102.26 |
56999 | Amputation: below knee - open - sec. wound mana | 3 | $186.72 |
56810 | Arthrodesis - knee joint | 3 | $802.93 |
56321 | Arthroplasty - knee - arthroscopic | 2 | $287.62 |
56661 | Arthroplasty - knee joint | 4 | $802.93 |
11600 | Arthroscopy - knee joint | 2 | $214.73 |
11632 | Arthroscopy/biopsy - knee joint | 2 | $214.73 |
11615 | Arthrotomy - knee joint | 3 | $242.74 |
56225 | Arthrotomy - knee joint | 3 | $186.72 |
56356 | Arthrotomy - removal of loose body - knee | 3 | $242.74 |
56357 | Arthrotomy knee - pinning/drilling | 3 | $352.44 |
11630 | Biopsy - needle - knee joint/ga | 2 | $186.72 |
11645 | Biopsy - open - knee joint | 2 | $242.74 |
56653 | Bone grafting - epiphysiodesis | 3 | $298.77 |
56654 | Bone grafting - physeal bar excision | 3 | $508.83 |
56652 | Bone grafting - tibia | 3 | $270.75 |
56370 | Bone tumour - benign - knee | 3 | $270.75 |
56250 | Decompression - knee joint | 2 | $214.73 |
56260 | Fasciotomy, compartment syndrome - knee joint | 3 | $235.21 |
56651 | Femur - bone grafting | 3 | $270.75 |
56210 | Femur, knee joint/tibia/fibula - i & d/ga | 2 | $186.72 |
56215 | Femur/knee joint/tibia/fibula - abscess i & d/ga | 2 | $186.72 |
56769 | Fibular shaft fracture - open - prim. wound care | 2 | $186.72 |
56702 | Frac./disloc. femur (supracond) - closed w/ ga | 2 | $214.73 |
56701 | Frac./disloc. femur (supracond) -closed w/o ga | 2 | $121.36 |
56704 | Frac./disloc. femur (supracond)- closed w/ im nail | 5 | $774.90 |
56708 | Frac./disloc. femur (supracond)- prim. wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
56709 | Frac./disloc. femur (supracond)- sec. wound care | 2 | $186.72 |
56703 | Frac./disloc. femur (supracond)-closed, extern fix | 2 | $354.78 |
56705 | Frac./disloc. femur (supracondylar) - orif | 4 | $774.90 |
56711 | Frac./disloc. femur cond./intracond-closed w/o ga | 2 | $93.37 |
56712 | Frac./disloc. femur cond./intracond.-closed w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
56713 | Frac./disloc. femur cond/intracond-closed ex fix | 2 | $354.78 |
56718 | Frac/disloc femur con/intracond-op prim wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
56719 | Frac/disloc femur cond/intracond-op sec wound care | 2 | $186.72 |
56716 | Frac/disloc femur cond/intracond-orif-bicondylar | 4 | $1,115.69 |
56715 | Frac/disloc femur cond/intracond-orif-unicondylar | 4 | $774.90 |
56353 | Ganglion/cyst - knee | 2 | $214.73 |
56220 | Hematoma - femur/knee joint/tibia/fibula | 2 | $298.77 |
56410 | Injection - bursa/tendon sheath - knee | 0 | $23.23 |
56405 | Injection of joint - knee | 0 | $23.23 |
56306 | Knee - pinning/drilling osteochondral fragment | 2 | $410.88 |
56415 | Knee - removal of int fixation device(s)/ga | 2 | $242.74 |
56420 | Knee - removal of internal fixation device(s) | 2 | $70.02 |
56269 | Knee joint - secondary wound closure | 2 | $186.72 |
56280 | Knee liberation/major release | 3 | $770.24 |
56528 | Knee ligament - open injury - primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
56529 | Knee ligament - open injury - secondary wound care | 2 | $186.72 |
56505 | Knee ligament instability - one repair | 3 | $616.34 |
56510 | Knee ligament instability - posterior cruciate | 3 | $746.91 |
56520 | Knee ligament instability - three ligaments | 3 | $835.59 |
56515 | Knee ligament instability - two ligaments | 3 | $718.62 |
56335 | Lateral/medial release - endoscopic knee | 2 | $287.62 |
56800 | Manipulation - knee joint w/ ga | 2 | $93.37 |
56666 | Meniscal allograft transplant | 5 | $1,301.86 |
56325 | Meniscal repair | 2 | $410.88 |
56362 | Meniscal repair - knee | 3 | $352.44 |
56361 | Menisectomy - knee | 3 | $242.74 |
56320 | Menisectomy - knee | 2 | $287.62 |
56355 | Open excision - knee - bursa/prepatellar | 2 | $214.73 |
56380 | Osteomyelitis acute - knee - decompression | 3 | $186.72 |
56385 | Osteomyelitis/debridement - knee. | 3 | $214.73 |
56601 | Osteotomy distal femur - non-union/malunion | 3 | $802.93 |
56604 | Osteotomy fibula -non-union/malunion | 3 | $270.75 |
56602 | Osteotomy proximal tibia - non-union/malunion | 3 | $569.50 |
56603 | Osteotomy tibia/shaft/fibula - non-union/malunion | 3 | $746.91 |
56728 | Patellar dislocation - open - primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
56729 | Patellar dislocation - open -sec. wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
56725 | Patellar dislocation - open reduction & repair | 2 | $242.74 |
56738 | Patellar fracture - open - primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
56739 | Patellar fracture - open - sec. wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
56735 | Patellar fracture - orif | 2 | $462.14 |
56542 | Patellar tendon repair | 2 | $480.90 |
56390 | Patellectomy | 3 | $326.77 |
56734 | Patellectomy - patella fracture | 2 | $326.77 |
56354 | Popliteal cyst - knee | 2 | $298.77 |
56285 | Quadriceps plasty - knee | 3 | $625.53 |
56530 | Recur. sublux./disloc. patella-extensor realignmen | 3 | $434.15 |
56531 | Recurr. sublux./disloc. patella-lateral release | 2 | $242.74 |
56541 | Recurr. sublux./disloc. quad. tendon rupt.-chronic | 2 | $490.15 |
56540 | Recurr. sublux./disloc. quad. tendon rupture,acute | 2 | $345.45 |
56305 | Removal symptomatic loose body - knee | 2 | $287.62 |
56315 | Resection 'plica' | 2 | $287.62 |
56290 | Retinacular release - lateral/medial knee - open | 2 | $242.74 |
56665 | Revision - patellar component | 3 | $406.12 |
56664 | Revision - total knee | 4 | $1,104.00 |
56525 | Revision of knee ligament reconstruction | 3 | $718.88 |
56275 | Soft tissue release - knee - major | 3 | $487.81 |
56270 | Soft tissue release - knee - minor | 2 | $345.45 |
56365 | Soft tissue tumour - benign - knee | 3 | $326.77 |
56360 | Synovectomy - knee, total | 3 | $464.48 |
56310 | Synovectomy knee, total | 2 | $487.92 |
56545 | Tendon transfer, transplant - patella | 2 | $326.77 |
56742 | Tibial plateau fracture - closed red, extern fix | 2 | $382.78 |
56741 | Tibial plateau fracture - closed red. w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
56748 | Tibial plateau fracture - open - prim. wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
56749 | Tibial plateau fracture - open - sec. wound manage | 2 | $186.72 |
56746 | Tibial plateau fracture - orif - bicondylar | 3 | $924.30 |
56745 | Tibial plateau fracture - orif - unicondylar | 3 | $653.54 |
56753 | Tibial shaft fracture - closed red. extern fix | 2 | $354.78 |
56752 | Tibial shaft fracture - closed red. w/ ga | 2 | $214.73 |
56751 | Tibial shaft fracture - closed red. w/o ga | 2 | $93.37 |
56754 | Tibial shaft fracture - closed reduction im nail | 3 | $686.20 |
56758 | Tibial shaft fracture - open - prim. wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
56759 | Tibial shaft fracture - open - sec. wound manag. | 2 | $186.72 |
56755 | Tibial shaft fractures - orif | 3 | $569.50 |
56662 | Total knee replacement | 4 | $802.93 |
56663 | Total knee, removal prosthesis, includes prostalac | 4 | $490.15 |
Hand and Wrist |
06218 | Amputation - transmetacarpal | 2 | $254.92 |
06219 | Amputation - finger | 2 | $254.92 |
54810 | Arthrodesis - wrist - limited or total | 2 | $658.20 |
54635 | Arthroplasty - total wrist - revision | 3 | $952.30 |
54631 | Arthroplasty - ulna - distal excision | 2 | $242.74 |
54633 | Arthroplasty- silastic wrist | 2 | $541.49 |
11400 | Arthroscopy - wrist joint | 2 | $287.62 |
11432 | Arthroscopy/biopsy - wrist /hand joint(s) | 2 | $186.72 |
11415 | Arthrotomy - wrist joint - isolated procedure | 2 | $186.72 |
11416 | Arthrotomy - mp/pip/dip joints | 2 | $186.72 |
11430 | Biopsy - needle - wrist joint/ga | 2 | $186.72 |
11445 | Biopsy - open - hand/wrist | 2 | $242.74 |
54651 | Bone grafting - distal radius/ulna | 2 | $242.74 |
54652 | Bone grafting - metacarpal/phalanx | 2 | $121.36 |
54372 | Bone tumor - benign - carpals/distal radius | 2 | $324.44 |
54603 | Carpal bone (scaphoid) - repair/revision | 2 | $541.49 |
54715 | Carpal bone fracture(scaphoid) - open reduction | 2 | $434.15 |
54505 | Carpal instability - acute | 2 | $597.51 |
54510 | Carpal instability: chronic | 2 | $658.20 |
54387 | Carpectomy - proximal row | 2 | $541.49 |
54728 | Carpus - primary wound care | 2 | $51.13 |
54722 | Carpus - closed reduction/percutaneous fixation | 2 | $298.77 |
54725 | Carpus - orif | 2 | $597.51 |
54729 | Carpus - secondary wound management | 2 | $93.37 |
54721 | Carpus-dislocation-w/wo fracture-closed reduction | 2 | $252.09 |
54310 | Debridement/ synovectomy, total | 2 | $324.44 |
54515 | Distal radio-ulnar instability - chronic | 2 | $487.81 |
54351 | Excision - open - meniscus/radiocarpal | 2 | $324.44 |
54315 | Excision triangular fibro cartilage complex (tfcc) | 2 | $324.44 |
54350 | Foreign body removal - hand/wrist/ga | 2 | $214.73 |
54410 | Injection bursa, tendon sheath, other peri articular structures | 0 | $23.23 |
54405 | Injection joint | 0 | $23.23 |
54632 | Joint replacement - total wrist | 2 | $718.88 |
54800 | Manipulation - hand/wrist joint under ga | 2 | $93.37 |
54380 | Osteomyelitis, acute - carpals, distal/radius | 2 | $186.72 |
54385 | Osteomyelitis/debridement - carpals/distal radius | 2 | $322.10 |
54601 | Osteotomy - distal radius | 2 | $658.20 |
54602 | Osteotomy - distal ulna | 2 | $326.77 |
54604 | Osteotomy - epiphysiodesis/epiphysioplasty/radius/ | 2 | $406.12 |
54708 | Radius - primary wound care | 2 | $51.13 |
54702 | Radius - closed reduction/ga | 2 | $298.77 |
54703 | Radius - external/percutaneous fixation. | 2 | $326.77 |
54701 | Radius - fracture/dislocation-closed reduction | 2 | $252.09 |
54705 | Radius - orif | 2 | $518.18 |
54709 | Radius - secondary wound management | 2 | $93.37 |
54415 | Removal of internal fixation device(s), with ga | 2 | $214.73 |
54420 | Removal of internal fixation device(s), without ga | 2 | $46.68 |
54305 | Removal of loose body - hand/wrist | 2 | $242.74 |
54386 | Styloid - radial/ulnar - excision | 2 | $214.73 |
54634 | Wrist prosthesis - removal | 2 | $270.75 |
Miscellaneous |
51040 | Aspiration - joint | 0 | $23.23 |
51036 | Compartment pressure monitoring - extra | 2 | $92.97 |
51037 | Harvesting of iliac crest autograft - extra | 2 | $93.37 |
51038 | Harvesting of skin graft - extra | 2 | $102.68 |
51039 | Harvesting of skin graft - extra | 0 | $23.23 |
51067 | Ilizarov instrumentation extension/revision -frame | 3 | $214.73 |
51065 | Ilizarov instrumentation, simple | 3 | $1,092.35 |
51066 | Ilizarov instrumentation; complex, multiple | 4 | $1,498.46 |
51030 | Orthopaedic interpretation and written report of submitted x-ray films - including ct scan and mri | 0 | $39.38 |
51035 | Skeletal traction - application | 2 | $93.37 |
51110 | Telehealth Consultation - Orthopedics | 0 | $111.54 |
51107 | Telehealth Office Visit - Orthopedics | 0 | $51.46 |
51112 | Telehealth Repeat/Limited Consultation - Orthopedics | 0 | $59.52 |
51115 | Telehealth Special Consultation - Orthopedics | 0 | $160.37 |
Musculoskeletal Oncology |
51053 | Malignant bone tumour - limb | 6 | $1,083.01 |
51056 | Malignant girdle tumour - pelvis/sacrum | 6 | $1,624.50 |
51055 | Malignant girdle tumour - scapula | 6 | $1,083.01 |
51052 | Malignant subfascial soft tissue tumour - complex | 6 | $1,279.05 |
51051 | Malignant subfascial soft tissue tumour -simple | 5 | $597.51 |
51058 | Malignant tumor/rotation plasty - resection | 6 | $2,175.33 |
51057 | Shoulder/pelvis/sacrum - reconstruction | 6 | $1,092.35 |
51054 | Skeletal defect - reconstruction | 6 | $1,092.35 |
Pelvis, Hip and Femur |
55215 | Abscess - pelvis/hip/femur -incision/drainage/ga | 2 | $186.72 |
55741 | Acetabulum - fracture- closed reduction | 2 | $186.72 |
55745 | Acetabulum - orif - one approach | 5 | $1,307.07 |
55746 | Acetabulum - two/extensile approach | 6 | $1,848.57 |
55983 | Amputation - above knee | 4 | $653.54 |
55980 | Amputation - hemicorpectomy | 6 | $2,446.08 |
55981 | Amputation - hemipelvectomy | 6 | $1,363.10 |
55982 | Amputation - hip disarticulation | 6 | $1,036.32 |
55984 | Amputation - knee disarticulation | 4 | $653.54 |
55999 | Amputation - secondary wound management-above knee | 4 | $186.72 |
55810 | Arthrodesis - hip joint | 6 | $1,227.71 |
55661 | Arthroplasty - resection - hip | 5 | $490.15 |
11500 | Arthroscopy - hip joint | 3 | $518.18 |
11532 | Arthroscopy/biopsy - hip | 3 | $518.18 |
11515 | Arthrotomy - hip joint | 3 | $298.77 |
55360 | Arthrotomy - hip - open synovectomy - total | 3 | $569.50 |
55225 | Arthrotomy - hip joint - i and d | 3 | $322.10 |
11545 | Arthrotomy/biopsy - hip | 3 | $242.74 |
11546 | Biopsy - hip - soft tissue/bone | 2 | $242.74 |
11530 | Biopsy - needle- hip/ga | 2 | $186.72 |
55651 | Bone grafting - femur | 4 | $270.75 |
55652 | Bone grafting - epiphysiodesis, greater trochanter | 4 | $326.77 |
55370 | Bone tumour, benign - hip | 3 | $434.15 |
55310 | Debridement/synovectomy - hip - total | 3 | $597.51 |
55725 | Dislocation - congenital - open reduction -hip | 2 | $714.22 |
55721 | Dislocation- congenital- hip- closed reduction/ga | 2 | $270.75 |
55355 | Excision - open - hip - bursa/trochanteric | 2 | $214.73 |
55755 | Femoral neck/subcapital - orif | 5 | $830.94 |
55758 | Femoral neck/subcapital - primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
55760 | Femoral neck/subcapital - scfe insitu fixation | 5 | $518.18 |
55751 | Femoral neck/subcapital -fracture-closed reduction | 5 | $518.18 |
55780 | Femur/shaft - cast/traction - closed reduction | 2 | $121.36 |
55783 | Femur/shaft - closed reduction, im nail | 5 | $774.90 |
55781 | Femur/shaft - closed reduction/ga | 2 | $214.73 |
55782 | Femur/shaft - external skeletal fixation | 4 | $354.78 |
55785 | Femur/shaft - orif | 5 | $774.90 |
55788 | Femur/shaft - primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
55789 | Femur/shaft - secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
55759 | Frac. femoral neck or subcapital: open -sec. wound | 2 | $186.72 |
55701 | Fracture-pelvis-closed reduction-skeletal traction | 3 | $93.37 |
55220 | Hematoma - pelvis/hip/femur - drainage under ga | 2 | $298.77 |
55662 | Hemi-arthroplasty - hip | 5 | $567.62 |
55371 | Heterotopic bone resection | 3 | $515.94 |
55736 | Hip - orif | 5 | $952.30 |
55738 | Hip - primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
55739 | Hip - secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
55711 | Hip - dislocation - traumatic | 2 | $93.37 |
55731 | Hip - fracture/dislocation - reduction | 2 | $93.37 |
55761 | Hip - intertrochanteric - reduction | 5 | $653.54 |
55735 | Hip - open reduction | 4 | $490.15 |
55732 | Hip - reduction/ga | 2 | $186.72 |
55727 | Hip disloc. open reduction fem & pelvic osteotomy | 4 | $1,318.75 |
55726 | Hip reduction fem or pelvic osteotomy | 4 | $1,047.97 |
55768 | Hip fracture intertrochanteric primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
55769 | Hip-intertrochanteric - secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
55771 | Hip: subtrochanteric - internal fixation | 5 | $891.61 |
55410 | Injection of bursa/tendon sheath - hip | 0 | $11.63 |
55405 | Injection of joint - hip | 0 | $11.63 |
55415 | Int fixation device(s) - removal - hip/ga | 3 | $242.74 |
55420 | Int fixation device(s) - removal - hip/without g | 3 | $70.02 |
55305 | Loose body - hip - removal | 3 | $378.11 |
55275 | Major release - two or more - hip | 3 | $406.12 |
55800 | Manipulation - hip joint under ga | 2 | $93.37 |
55270 | Minor release - hip - one tendon | 2 | $298.77 |
55632 | Nonunion or malunion - acetabulum | 4 | $1,848.57 |
55635 | Nonunion or malunion - femoral lengthening, open | 4 | $896.29 |
55636 | Nonunion or malunion - femoral shortening, closed | 4 | $896.29 |
55633 | Nonunion or malunion - proximal femur | 4 | $896.29 |
55634 | Nonunion or malunion - shaft femur | 4 | $774.90 |
55998 | Open injury, primary wound care | 4 | $102.26 |
55380 | Osteomyelitis, acute - hip - decompression | 3 | $186.72 |
55385 | Osteomyelitis, debridement - hip | 3 | $322.10 |
55605 | Osteotomy - femoral shaft - adult | 4 | $774.90 |
55606 | Osteotomy - femoral shaft - paediatric | 4 | $774.90 |
55603 | Osteotomy - proximal femur - adult | 4 | $746.91 |
55604 | Osteotomy - proximal femur - paediatric | 4 | $746.91 |
55607 | Osteotomy - multiple for osteogenesis imperfecta | 6 | $891.61 |
55602 | Osteotomy - pelvis - paediatric | 6 | $597.51 |
55601 | Osteotomy - pelvis - adult | 6 | $746.91 |
55702 | Pelvis - closed reduction - external fixation | 4 | $494.83 |
55705 | Pelvis - external fixation/orif | 5 | $1,092.35 |
55707 | Pelvis -orif - anterior and posterior | 5 | $1,171.69 |
55706 | Pelvis -orif- anterior or posterior | 5 | $765.57 |
55631 | Pelvis: non-union or malunion | 4 | $1,363.10 |
55210 | Pelvis/hip/femur- incision/drainage/ga | 2 | $186.72 |
55675 | Proximal femoral replacement | 6 | $1,633.84 |
55715 | Reduction - hip - open | 4 | $490.15 |
55712 | Reduction - hip/ga | 2 | $186.72 |
55674 | Revision - femur and acetabulum,includes prostalac | 6 | $1,307.07 |
55673 | Revision - femur or acetabulum | 6 | $989.64 |
55671 | Revision total hip arthroplasty: components | 5 | $802.93 |
55985 | Revision,amputation, below knee | 3 | $518.18 |
55255 | Soft tissue release - hip- percutaneous | 2 | $270.75 |
55505 | Soft tissue repair - hip instability | 3 | $653.54 |
55365 | Soft tissue tumour - benign -hip - subfascial | 3 | $406.12 |
55778 | Subtrochanteric - primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
55779 | Subtrochanteric - secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
55515 | Tendon avulsion repair - hip | 3 | $326.77 |
55510 | Tendon-muscle transfer - hip | 3 | $658.20 |
55672 | Total hip arthroplasty- exchg of modular component | 5 | $434.15 |
55663 | Total hip prosthesis | 5 | $802.93 |
Peripheral Nerve |
06258 | Peripheral nerve/neurolysis - exploration | 2 | $256.65 |
Professional Fees |
51010 | Consultation - orthopaedics | 0 | $111.54 |
51012 | Consultation - repeat/limited - orthopaedics | 0 | $59.52 |
51015 | Consultation - special - orthopaedics | 0 | $160.37 |
51008 | Hospital visit - orthopaedics | 0 | $30.70 |
51007 | Office visit - orthopaedics | 0 | $51.46 |
51009 | Pavlic harness-case management | 0 | $46.07 |
Referred Cases |
51005 | Pre-operative assessment - orthopedics | 0 | $111.54 |
Shoulder Girdle, Clavicle and Humerus |
52215 | Abscess, i and d, under ga | 2 | $186.72 |
52356 | Acromionectomy, acromioplasty with or without resection of coraco-acromial ligament | 2 | $350.12 |
52330 | Acromioplasty - endoscopic | 2 | $410.88 |
52981 | Amputation - forequarter | 5 | $924.30 |
52982 | Amputation - humeral shaft | 3 | $541.49 |
52998 | Amputation - primary wound care - open injury | 3 | $102.26 |
52999 | Amputation - secondary wound management - open | 3 | $186.72 |
52980 | Amputation - shoulder disarticulation | 4 | $774.90 |
52811 | Arthrodesis - scapula-thoracic joint | 4 | $746.91 |
52810 | Arthrodesis - shoulder joint | 4 | $952.30 |
52335 | Arthroscopic clavicle excision-medial/lateral/extr | 0 | $106.57 |
11232 | Arthroscopy - biopsy- shoulder | 2 | $242.74 |
11200 | Arthroscopy- shoulder joint | 2 | $298.77 |
11215 | Arthrotomy - shoulder joint/bursa | 2 | $186.72 |
52360 | Arthrotomy - shoulder: synovectomy, capsulectomy | 2 | $406.12 |
52365 | Benign soft tissue tumour (sub-fascial) | 2 | $406.12 |
11245 | Biopsy - open | 2 | $242.74 |
11230 | Biopsy - needle - shoulder joint/ga | 2 | $186.72 |
52652 | Bone grafting - clavicle | 2 | $149.38 |
52651 | Bone grafting - proximal humerus | 2 | $242.74 |
52370 | Bone tumour - benign | 2 | $406.12 |
52210 | Bursa, i and d, under ga | 2 | $186.72 |
52602 | Clavicle - repair/revision | 2 | $513.60 |
52357 | Clavicle excision lateral/medial - open | 2 | $214.73 |
52708 | Clavicle/acromion/coracoid - primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
52709 | Clavicle/acromion/coracoid - secondary wound manag | 2 | $186.72 |
52310 | Debridement, synovectomy - total or subtotal | 2 | $410.88 |
52306 | Excision - endoscopic - drilling osteochondral defect, with or without loose body | 2 | $287.62 |
52305 | Excision - endoscopic - removal of loose body | 2 | $287.62 |
52355 | Excision of bursa - subacromial - open | 2 | $214.73 |
52725 | Glenohumeral - open reduction | 2 | $406.12 |
52722 | Glenohumeral - closed reduction with ga | 2 | $242.74 |
52721 | Glenohumeral - closed reduction without ga | 2 | $93.37 |
52220 | Hematoma, drainage under ga, when sole procedure | 2 | $242.74 |
52603 | Hemi-arthroplasty - shoulder | 4 | $620.86 |
52748 | Humerus - shaft - open injury primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
52741 | Humerus - shaft -closed reduction with ga | 2 | $242.74 |
52742 | Humerus - shaft-closed reduction-external fixation | 2 | $354.78 |
52749 | Humerus - shaft-open secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
52745 | Humerus- shaft - orif/intramedullary nailing | 2 | $569.50 |
52410 | Injection - bursa,tendon sheath, other peri articular structures- shoulder/clavicle | 0 | $11.63 |
52405 | Injection of joint - shoulder/clavicle/humerus | 0 | $11.63 |
52415 | Int fixation device(s) - removal - ga | 2 | $242.74 |
52420 | Int fixation device(s), removal - without ga | 2 | $70.02 |
52320 | Labrum tear- excision | 2 | $242.74 |
52255 | Major release (shoulder contracture) | 2 | $541.49 |
52800 | Manipulation under ga - shoulder joint | 2 | $93.37 |
52519 | Open or arthroscopic slap/biceps tenodesis or bankart repair, and rotator cuff reconstruction, complex | 3 | $1,033.99 |
52517 | Open or arthroscopic slap/biceps tenodesis repair | 3 | $630.18 |
52518 | Open or arthroscopic slap/biceps tenodesis repair and anterior or posterior glenohumeral stabilization and/or bankart repair (isolated procedure) | 3 | $914.94 |
52520 | Open or arthroscopic slap/biceps tenodesis repair, and bankart repair including tendon transfer, and rotator cuff repair | 3 | $1,349.06 |
52521 | Open or arthroscopic slap/biceps tenodesis repair, and bankart repair and tendon transfer, and rotator cuff repair, and anterior glenohumeral stabilization and/or posterior glenohumeral stabilization | 3 | $1,578.96 |
52705 | Orif - clavicle/acromion/coracoid | 2 | $436.58 |
52380 | Osteomyelitis - acute, decompression | 2 | $186.72 |
52385 | Osteomyelitis - debridement with/without reconstruction | 3 | $322.10 |
52307 | Pinning - osteochondral fragment | 2 | $350.12 |
52731 | Proximal humerus - closed reduction with ga | 2 | $186.72 |
52739 | Proximal humerus - open injury -secondary wound | 2 | $186.72 |
52738 | Proximal humerus - open injury-primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
52736 | Proximal humerus - orif - three or more parts | 2 | $654.53 |
52735 | Proximal humerus - orif - two part | 2 | $541.49 |
52601 | Proximal humerus - repair/revision | 3 | $718.88 |
52737 | Proximal humerus- hemiprosthesis/wiring-fracture | 3 | $802.93 |
52732 | Proximal humerus-closed red. with ga traction/pin | 2 | $186.72 |
52506 | Rotator cuff reconstruction - complex | 4 | $718.88 |
52505 | Rotator cuff repair - simple | 3 | $434.15 |
52715 | Scapula - fracture/dislocation - orif | 3 | $924.30 |
52718 | Scapula - open injury, primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
52719 | Scapula - open injury, secondary wound management | 2 | $186.72 |
52315 | Shoulder abrasion | 2 | $350.12 |
52607 | Shoulder arthroplasty - total - revision | 5 | $1,335.36 |
52606 | Shoulder arthroplasty/hemiarthroplasty- total -rev | 5 | $802.93 |
52525 | Shoulder instability - inferior capsular shift | 3 | $569.50 |
52541 | Shoulder instability - posterior - soft tissue | 3 | $597.51 |
52540 | Shoulder instability - posterior-glenoid osteotomy | 3 | $718.88 |
52526 | Shoulder instability -bankart | 3 | $630.18 |
52535 | Shoulder instability-anterior repairs | 3 | $459.80 |
52225 | Shoulder joint arthrotomy, i and d | 2 | $186.72 |
52605 | Shoulder prosthesis - removal | 3 | $462.14 |
52604 | Shoulder prosthesis - total | 5 | $991.26 |
52555 | Shoulder/clavicle/humerus tendon transfer | 3 | $513.50 |
52250 | Soft tissue release - muscle, tendon | 2 | $380.44 |
52515 | Stabilization - acromioclavicular joint - acute | 2 | $270.75 |
52516 | Stabilization - acromioclavicular joint - chronic | 2 | $406.12 |
52545 | Stabilization - shoulder instability -revision, | 3 | $718.88 |
52325 | Stabilization procedure | 2 | $569.50 |
52710 | Sterno-clavicular joint stabilization | 2 | $513.60 |
52550 | Tendon repair, proximal biceps, pectoralis major | 3 | $434.15 |
Skin Grafts (including mucosa) |
06015 | Removal of extensive scars per cm over 5 cm | 2 | $8.44 |
06051 | Skin grafts - functional areas - finger tip | 2 | $310.00 |
06050 | Skin grafts - regions of major joints and hands | 2 | $440.00 |
Surgical Assistant |
51194 | First surgical assist of the day-orthopedics | 0 | $76.71 |
Tibial, Ankle and Foot |
57330 | Abrasion/debridement- tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 2 | $287.62 |
57373 | Accessory navicular - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 2 | $242.74 |
57280 | Achilles tendon lengthening, percutaneous | 2 | $214.73 |
57981 | Amputation - midtarsal | 2 | $490.15 |
57998 | Amputation - open injury, primary wound care | 2 | $51.13 |
57999 | Amputation - open injury, secondary wound care | 2 | $93.37 |
57983 | Amputation - single metatarsal/ray resection | 2 | $354.78 |
57980 | Amputation - syme | 2 | $532.14 |
57984 | Amputation - toe | 2 | $186.72 |
57982 | Amputation - transmetatarsal | 2 | $406.12 |
57510 | Ankle instability - reconstruction | 2 | $380.44 |
57505 | Ankle instability: capsule/ligament repair | 2 | $242.74 |
11715 | Ankle joint - incision -diagnostic | 2 | $186.72 |
57225 | Ankle/foot joint - i&d w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
57812 | Arthrodesis - ankle joint | 3 | $718.88 |
57817 | Arthrodesis - interphangeal, single or multiple | 2 | $270.75 |
57816 | Arthrodesis - metatarsophalangeal | 2 | $352.44 |
57814 | Arthrodesis - midtarsal joint | 2 | $541.49 |
57811 | Arthrodesis - pantalar | 2 | $840.26 |
57813 | Arthrodesis - subtalar joint/triple | 2 | $717.01 |
57815 | Arthrodesis - tarso-metatarsal joints | 2 | $658.20 |
57810 | Arthrodesis - tibiocalcaneal | 2 | $597.51 |
11700 | Arthroscopy - ankle /subtalar joint | 2 | $186.72 |
11702 | Aspiration - ankle joint - bursa/tendon sheath, et | 2 | $23.23 |
57370 | Benign bone tumour - tibial/ankle/foot | 2 | $352.44 |
57365 | Benign soft tissue tumour - tibial/ankle/foot | 2 | $214.73 |
57651 | Bone grafting - distal tibia | 2 | $242.74 |
57652 | Bone grafting - malleolus, medial/lateral-tarsals | 2 | $149.38 |
57603 | Calcaneal osteotomy | 2 | $520.99 |
57375 | Excision - nail bed - ankle/foot/ga | 2 | $214.73 |
57671 | Excision arthroplasty great toe (keller's) | 2 | $270.75 |
57355 | Excision bursa - achilles | 2 | $214.73 |
57527 | Extensor tendon repair - ankle/foot - multiple/ga | 2 | $336.10 |
57526 | Extensor tendon repair - ankle/foot - single/ga | 2 | $242.74 |
57525 | Extensor tendon repair - ankle/foot/without ga | 2 | $121.36 |
57520 | Flexor tendon repair - ankle/foot, single/multi | 2 | $352.44 |
57701 | Frac/disloc ankle - closed reduc. w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
57702 | Frac/disloc ankle - external fixation | 2 | $490.15 |
57708 | Frac/disloc ankle - open - primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
57709 | Frac/disloc ankle - open - second. wound care | 2 | $186.72 |
57705 | Frac/disloc ankle - orif | 2 | $896.29 |
57713 | Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - closed red. ex fix | 2 | $270.75 |
57712 | Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - closed red. w/ ga | 2 | $270.75 |
57711 | Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - closed red. w/o ga | 2 | $93.37 |
57715 | Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - orif - one | 2 | $352.44 |
57716 | Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - orif - two or more | 2 | $406.12 |
57718 | Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - prim. wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
57719 | Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - second. wound care | 2 | $186.72 |
57354 | Ganglion - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 2 | $214.73 |
57723 | Hindfoot/midfoot/lisfranc disloc - closed w/ fixat | 2 | $298.77 |
57722 | Hindfoot/midfoot/lisfranc disloc - closed w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
57721 | Hindfoot/midfoot/lisfranc disloc - closed w/o ga | 2 | $93.37 |
57725 | Hindfoot/midfoot/lisfranc disloc - open reduction | 2 | $475.56 |
57728 | Hindfoot/midfoot/lisfranc disloc - prim.wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
57729 | Hindfoot/midfoot/lisfranc disloc - sec.wound care | 2 | $186.72 |
57675 | Implant arthroplasty - metatarsal phalangeal joint | 2 | $298.77 |
57410 | Injection of bursa - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 0 | $11.63 |
57405 | Injection of joint - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 0 | $11.63 |
57793 | Interphalangeal disloc. - closed red. fixation | 2 | $270.75 |
57792 | Interphalangeal disloc. - closed red. w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
57791 | Interphalangeal disloc. - closed red. w/o ga | 2 | $46.68 |
57798 | Interphalangeal disloc. - open - prim.wound care | 2 | $51.13 |
57799 | Interphalangeal disloc. - open - sec.wound care | 2 | $93.37 |
57795 | Interphalangeal disloc. - open red. w/wo fixation | 2 | $298.77 |
57676 | Interphalangeal joint arthroplasty, single/multi | 2 | $270.75 |
57555 | Jones procedure- tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 2 | $326.77 |
57800 | Manipulation - ankle/foot w/ ga | 2 | $93.37 |
57761 | Metatarsal fracture - closed reduction, fixation | 2 | $270.75 |
57768 | Metatarsal fracture - open - primary wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
57769 | Metatarsal fracture - open - secondary wound care | 2 | $186.72 |
57765 | Metatarsal fracture - orif - one | 2 | $298.77 |
57766 | Metatarsal fracture - orif - two or more | 2 | $352.44 |
57672 | Metatarsal/phalangeal joint resection/reconstruct. | 2 | $298.77 |
57773 | Metatarso-phalangeal disloc. - closed red, fix | 2 | $214.73 |
57772 | Metatarso-phalangeal disloc. - closed red. w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
57778 | Metatarso-phalangeal disloc. - open - prim. wound | 2 | $102.26 |
57779 | Metatarso-phalangeal disloc. - open - sec. wound | 2 | $186.72 |
57775 | Metatarso-phalangeal disloc. - orif | 2 | $298.77 |
57771 | Metatarso-phalangeal disloc.- closed red. w/o ga | 2 | $93.37 |
11717 | Midtarsal joint - incision - diagnostic | 2 | $186.72 |
57604 | Midtarsal osteotomy | 2 | $597.51 |
57356 | Neuroma - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 2 | $214.73 |
57733 | Os calcis fracture - closed reduction w/ fixation | 2 | $298.77 |
57732 | Os calcis fracture - closed reduction w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
57738 | Os calcis fracture - open - prim. wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
57739 | Os calcis fracture - open - sec. wound care | 2 | $186.72 |
57735 | Os calcis fracture - orif | 2 | $625.53 |
57380 | Osteomyelitis, acute- tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 2 | $186.72 |
57385 | Osteomyelitis,debridement- tibial/ankle/foot | 2 | $322.10 |
57673 | Osteotomy - distal metatarsal | 2 | $298.77 |
57606 | Osteotomy - open - phalanges | 2 | $242.74 |
57674 | Osteotomy - proximal metatarsal/distal realignment | 2 | $434.15 |
57601 | Osteotomy/malunion - distal tibial | 2 | $648.87 |
57602 | Osteotomy/malunion - malleolus | 2 | $434.15 |
57605 | Osteotomy/malunion - metatarsals | 2 | $352.44 |
57631 | Osteotomy/non-union - distal tibial | 2 | $541.49 |
57636 | Osteotomy/non-union - epiphysiodesis | 2 | $298.77 |
57632 | Osteotomy/non-union - malleolus, lateral/medial | 2 | $326.77 |
57634 | Osteotomy/non-union - metatarsals | 2 | $214.73 |
57635 | Osteotomy/non-union - phalanges (foot) | 2 | $214.73 |
57637 | Osteotomy/non-union - physeal bar excision | 2 | $406.12 |
57633 | Osteotomy/non-union - tarsals | 2 | $380.44 |
57781 | Phalangeal fracture - closed reduction, fixation | 2 | $270.75 |
57788 | Phalangeal fracture - open - prim. wound care | 2 | $51.13 |
57789 | Phalangeal fracture - open - sec. wound care | 2 | $93.37 |
57785 | Phalangeal fracture - orif | 2 | $298.77 |
57306 | Pinning/drilling fragments: tibial/ankle foot | 2 | $410.88 |
57270 | Plantar fascia: open release or partial excision | 2 | $270.75 |
57275 | Plantar fasciectomy - total | 2 | $406.12 |
57285 | Posterior hindfoot release | 2 | $434.15 |
57286 | Posteromedial release (club foot/vertical talus) | 2 | $718.88 |
57678 | Reconstruction - major forefoot | 2 | $595.16 |
57677 | Reconstruction - minor forefoot (lesser toes) | 2 | $380.44 |
57415 | Rem. of int. fix. dev(s) - ankle/foot w/ ga | 2 | $214.73 |
57420 | Rem. of int. fix. dev(s) - ankle/foot w/o ga | 2 | $46.68 |
57305 | Removal of loose body-tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 2 | $287.62 |
57535 | Repair/reconstruction - tendon sheath | 2 | $380.44 |
57372 | Sesamoidectomy - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 2 | $242.74 |
11716 | Subtalar joint - incision - diagnostic | 2 | $186.72 |
57310 | Synovectomy - ankle, total | 2 | $462.24 |
57374 | Talectomy - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 2 | $541.49 |
57741 | Talus fracture - closed reduction w/o ga | 2 | $93.37 |
57742 | Talus fracture - closed reduction w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
57743 | Talus fracture - closed reduction, fixation | 2 | $326.77 |
57748 | Talus fracture - open - prim. wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
57749 | Talus fracture - open - sec. wound care | 2 | $186.72 |
57745 | Talus fracture - orif | 2 | $487.81 |
57371 | Tarsal coalition - ankle/foot | 2 | $352.44 |
57752 | Tarsal fracture - closed reduction w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
57751 | Tarsal fracture - closed reduction w/o ga | 2 | $93.37 |
57753 | Tarsal fracture - closed reduction, fixation | 2 | $298.77 |
57758 | Tarsal fracture - open - prim. wound care | 2 | $102.26 |
57759 | Tarsal fracture - open - sec. wound care | 2 | $186.72 |
57755 | Tarsal fracture - orif | 2 | $326.77 |
11718 | Tarso-metatar/metatar-phalang/interphalang joints | 2 | $186.72 |
57515 | Tendo-achilles repair, acute (w/in 6 wks post-inj) | 2 | $352.44 |
57516 | Tendo-achilles repair, chronic (> 6 wks post-inj) | 2 | $541.49 |
57550 | Tendon transfer- tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 2 | $434.15 |
57215 | Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot - i&d abscess w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
11730 | Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot - needle biopsy w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
11745 | Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot - open biopsy w/ ga | 2 | $242.74 |
57295 | Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot - tenosynovectomy | 2 | $270.75 |
57290 | Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot -tendon length.- open | 2 | $270.75 |
57260 | Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot- faciotomy,compar syn | 2 | $214.73 |
57250 | Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot-decomp/neurolys nerve | 2 | $298.77 |
57269 | Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot-faciotomy,sec closure | 2 | $186.72 |
57220 | Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot-hematoma drain. w/ ga | 2 | $298.77 |
57210 | Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot: i&d bursa w/ ga | 2 | $186.72 |
57663 | Total ankle arthroplasty - removal | 3 | $186.72 |
57662 | Total ankle arthroplasty- revision | 3 | $1,335.36 |
57661 | Total ankle prosthesis | 3 | $991.26 |
57360 | Total synovectomy-tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot | 2 | $354.78 |
Vertebra, Facette and Spine |
58251 | Abscess/hematoma - extraspinal/ga | 4 | $185.33 |
58211 | Discogram | 2 | $92.28 |
58206 | Injection/aspiration - facet joint | 2 | $92.97 |
The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.
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