MSP Billing Codes
Specialty: Obstetrics Gynecology
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Code | Description | Anes | Fee |
Abdominal Operations |
04208 | Ectopic pregnancy | 5 | $500.91 |
04217 | Hemorrhage - post op (intra-abdominal management) | 6 | $458.49 |
04228 | Hysterectomy - total | 5 | $736.94 |
04709 | Hysterectomy-laparoscopic total/supracerv&/or lavh | 5 | $980.80 |
04204 | Hysterotomy - abdominal with/without sterilization | 5 | $358.76 |
04707 | Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy | 5 | $980.80 |
04001 | Laparoscopy | 4 | $229.25 |
04203 | Myomectomy | 5 | $500.91 |
04216 | Neurectomy presacral | 5 | $418.08 |
04003 | Oophorectomy/salpingectomy | 5 | $358.76 |
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04201 | Ovarian cystectomy | 5 | $447.72 |
04229 | Removal of complicated pelvic disease | 6 | $754.70 |
04230 | Sterilization - abdominal-open | 4 | $356.60 |
04206 | Suspension of uterus | 4 | $240.19 |
04605 | Vault prolapse | 5 | $748.87 |
Abdominal Operations for Cancer |
04011 | Ca ovary/ fallopian tubes | 6 | $1,011.82 |
04218 | Hysterectomy - radical | 6 | $1,102.00 |
04029 | Omentectomy/removal of soft-tissue mass | 5 | $358.76 |
04219 | Para-aortic lymphadenectomy | 6 | $595.90 |
04220 | Para-aortic lymphadenectomy - partial | 5 | $263.91 |
04212 | Pelvic lymphadenectomy | 6 | $595.90 |
04628 | Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm | 5 | $509.44 |
04630 | Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm | 3 | $474.13 |
04631 | Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm | 3 | $711.19 |
04632 | Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm | 3 | $356.60 |
04633 | Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm | 3 | $407.55 |
04640 | Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm | 3 | $474.13 |
04641 | Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm | 3 | $711.19 |
Diagnostic Ultrasound |
08652 | B scan i.u.d. localization | 0 | $55.31 |
08657 | Chorionic villus sampling for ultrasonic guidance | 0 | $110.68 |
04680 | Guided amniocentesis | 0 | $168.11 |
86051 | Obs b scan (14 wks gestation or over)- add fetuses | 0 | $81.91 |
08651 | Obs. - b-scan - 14 wks. or more for singles | 0 | $110.08 |
08655 | Obs. b-scan - less than 14 wks. | 0 | $82.58 |
08653 | Pelvic b scan - non-obstetrical | 0 | $110.08 |
Hysteroscopy - Surgical |
04224 | Endometrial ablation | 2 | $455.19 |
04222 | Hysteroscopic div of intrauterine adhesions-comp | 2 | $350.88 |
04221 | Hysteroscopic div of intrauterine adhesions-simple | 2 | $210.53 |
04225 | Hysteroscopic division of uterine septum | 2 | $344.52 |
04226 | Hysteroscopic tubal occlusion (bilateral) | 0 | $195.31 |
04223 | Resection of myoma | 2 | $455.19 |
Laboratory Services |
15142 | Trichomonas and / or candida, direct examination | 0 | $5.69 |
Laparoscopic Operations |
04040 | Cautery of endometriosis | 4 | $76.07 |
04664 | Ectopic pregnancy - removal via scope. | 4 | $342.55 |
04047 | Excision of extensive peritoneal endometriosis | 6 | $428.14 |
04662 | Laparoscopy - removal of foreign body | 4 | $155.00 |
04042 | Oophorectomy and/or salpingectomy-bilateral | 5 | $365.56 |
04041 | Oophorectomy and/or salpingectomy-unilateral | 5 | $184.68 |
04043 | Ovarian cystectomy - unilateral | 5 | $293.25 |
04044 | Ovarian cystectomy-bilateral | 5 | $546.59 |
04046 | Presacral neurectomy | 4 | $210.57 |
04048 | Removal of complicated pelvic disease-laparoscopic | 6 | $548.82 |
04035 | Salpingolysis via laparoscope - bilateral | 4 | $174.37 |
04034 | Salpingolysis via laparoscopy - unilateral | 4 | $90.48 |
04037 | Salpingostomy via laparoscopy - bilateral | 4 | $374.55 |
04036 | Salpingostomy via laparoscopy - unilateral | 4 | $189.23 |
04660 | Tubal interruption (sterilization ) | 4 | $92.00 |
04045 | Ventral suspension of uterus | 4 | $151.29 |
Laser Vaporization |
04620 | Cervical neoplasia | 2 | $200.00 |
04623 | Extensive vulvar and/or vaginal condyl. under g.a. | 2 | $254.72 |
04621 | Vaginal neoplasia with or without g.a. | 2 | $200.00 |
04622 | Vulvar condylomata | 2 | $200.00 |
04624 | Vulvar intraepithelial lesion diffuse w/ perianal | 2 | $407.55 |
04625 | Vulvar intraepithelial lesion/diffuse multifocal | 2 | $407.55 |
Micro-Surgical Operations |
04617 | Micro salpingostomy - bilateral | 5 | $800.77 |
04616 | Micro salpingostomy -unilateral | 5 | $616.67 |
04602 | Salpingolysis - unilateral/bilateral | 5 | $447.72 |
04627 | Tubo-cornual anastomosis - bilateral (micro) | 5 | $1,159.11 |
04626 | Tubo-cornual anastomosis - unilateral (micro) | 5 | $892.33 |
Obstetrical Procedures |
04024 | 4th degree laceration - repair | 3 | $290.53 |
04018 | Breech vaginal birth | 4 | $585.77 |
04025 | C-section - high risk | 6 | $651.28 |
04106 | Caesarean hysterectomy | 8 | $928.39 |
04050 | Caesarean section - elective | 5 | $500.99 |
04052 | Caesarean section - emergency | 6 | $561.10 |
04093 | Caesarean section multiple births, each additional | 0 | $82.15 |
04023 | Cervical /vaginal lacerations | 3 | $240.44 |
04000 | Complicated vaginal delivery | 4 | $375.70 |
04116 | Curettage for post-partum haemorrhage (> 20 weeks) | 3 | $254.72 |
04049 | External cephalic version | 0 | $152.83 |
04118 | Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - 1st hour | 0 | $41.98 |
04119 | Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - subs. hrs | 0 | $28.93 |
04141 | Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - subs. hrs | 4 | $320.00 |
04142 | Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - subs. hrs | 3 | $140.00 |
04190 | Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - subs. hrs | 0 | $84.95 |
04191 | Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - subs. hrs | 0 | $31.81 |
04194 | Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - subs. hrs | 0 | $31.81 |
04080 | Insertion of multiple osmotic dilators with block | 0 | $152.83 |
04039 | Management of complicated labour by obstetrician | 0 | $667.15 |
04014 | Midcavity forceps - delivery | 4 | $450.87 |
04017 | Midcavity rotation - surgical delivery | 4 | $551.03 |
04092 | Multiple natural births - each additional child | 0 | $161.31 |
04038 | Repeat intrapartum assess by consultant at request | 0 | $222.21 |
04026 | Retained placenta - manual removal | 3 | $240.44 |
04022 | Sphincter repair - external | 3 | $240.44 |
04107 | Supervision of labour and vaginal delivery | 5 | $200.27 |
04110 | Therapeutic abortion (vaginal) 14 - 18 weeks | 2 | $250.41 |
04111 | Therapeutic abortion (vaginal) less than 14 weeks | 2 | $203.77 |
04114 | Therapeutic abortion by d&e, 18 wks and over | 3 | $356.60 |
Operations on the Vagina |
04402 | Abscess pelvic colpotomy drainage | 2 | $151.30 |
04404 | Cyst vaginal inclusion | 2 | $200.00 |
04405 | Cyst vaginal other than inclusion | 2 | $200.00 |
04233 | Oophorectomy/ovarian cystectomy - vag - bilateral | 0 | $223.39 |
04232 | Oophorectomy/ovarian cystectomy - vag - unilateral | 0 | $113.61 |
04410 | Post-op haemorrhage, vaginal management w/ ga | 5 | $200.00 |
04406 | Septum vaginal removal | 2 | $200.00 |
04202 | Vaginal hysterectomy | 4 | $736.94 |
04411 | Vaginectomy - total | 4 | $611.32 |
04033 | Vaginectomy-partial | 4 | $458.49 |
04408 | Vault prolapse (vaginal approach) | 4 | $536.63 |
Operations on the Vulva |
04301 | Bartholins cyst/abscess marsupialization | 2 | $200.00 |
04317 | Biopsy - vulva - < 2 cm | 2 | $35.66 |
04032 | Biopsy - vulva (greater than or equal to 2cm) | 2 | $112.08 |
04303 | Hydrocele canal of nuck excision | 2 | $254.72 |
04300 | Hymen incision | 2 | $200.00 |
04312 | Labia minora resection | 2 | $254.72 |
04309 | Labium varicocele | 2 | $200.00 |
04322 | Lymphadenectomy - inguinal/femoral - bilateral | 4 | $701.26 |
04320 | Lymphadenectomy - inguinal/femoral - unilateral | 4 | $400.76 |
04304 | Urethral caruncle - cautery or excision in hosp | 2 | $62.32 |
04306 | Venereal warts under g.a., hospital | 2 | $200.00 |
04305 | Venereal warts, cautery or excision | 0 | $50.94 |
04311 | Vulvar atresia or enlargement of vaginal introitus | 2 | $200.00 |
04318 | Vulvectomy - radical | 3 | $901.73 |
04307 | Vulvectomy - simple | 3 | $388.42 |
04316 | Vulvovaginoplasty | 2 | $254.72 |
Other Procedures |
04699 | Fern test | 0 | $15.28 |
04401 | Fistula recto-vaginal repair | 3 | $662.27 |
04085 | Trial of forceps/vacuum delivery | 4 | $211.95 |
Plastic Operations for Genital Prolapse |
04703 | Augmented anterior compartment vaginal prolapse | 2 | $415.99 |
04704 | Augmented posterior compartment vaginal prolapse | 2 | $415.99 |
04424 | Complete repair of prolapse | 3 | $590.76 |
04227 | Cystocoele/urethrocoele repair | 2 | $407.55 |
04422 | Enterocele repair | 2 | $461.51 |
04427 | Leforts operation | 2 | $458.49 |
04429 | Perineal laceration repair of old 3rd degree | 2 | $458.49 |
04421 | Rectocele repair | 2 | $407.55 |
04705 | Removal of trans-vaginal placed synthetic mesh | 2 | $611.32 |
04701 | Repeat urinary incontinence procedure | 4 | $420.25 |
04432 | Repeat vaginal plastic procedure - extra | 2 | $152.83 |
04702 | Transection or removal of suburethral mesh sling | 4 | $417.12 |
04706 | Vaginal vault suspension-apical support procedure | 2 | $405.64 |
Referred Cases |
04012 | Consultation, limited, 0b&g | 0 | $77.25 |
04010 | Consultation, ob&g | 0 | $140.70 |
04005 | Emergency visit-obstetrics & gynecology | 0 | $127.37 |
04070 | Telehealth consultation - obstetrics & gynecology | 0 | $140.70 |
04072 | Telehealth repeat or limited consult/obs & gyn | 0 | $77.25 |
04078 | Telehealth subsequent hospital visit - obs/gyn | 0 | $48.22 |
04077 | Telehealth subsequent office visit - obs & gyn | 0 | $48.22 |
04009 | Visit, home, ob&g | 0 | $116.08 |
04008 | Visit, hospital, ob&g | 0 | $48.22 |
04007 | Visit, office, ob&g | 0 | $48.22 |
Surgical Assistance |
70019 | Certified surgical assist | 0 | $256.63 |
70020 | Certified surgical assist - time from 1-3 hours | 0 | $32.23 |
Surgical Fee Modifiers |
04718 | Care of complex antepartum patient prior to trnsfr | 0 | $280.53 |
04711 | Gynecological certified surg assist,time 1-3 hours | 0 | $26.92 |
04710 | Gynecological certified surgical assist-up to 1 hr | 0 | $257.92 |
04712 | Gynecological surgical assistant(cert/second) >3hr | 0 | $28.15 |
04719 | Gynecology surgical surcharge patient 75yr + older | 0 | $85.00 |
04713 | Laparoscopic hysterectomy second surgical assistnt | 0 | $246.10 |
04716 | Obstetrical surcharge therapeutic abortion,14-18wk | 0 | $61.48 |
04715 | Obstetrical surcharge trerapeutic abortion >18 wks | 0 | $81.97 |
04717 | Prenatal office visit -complex obstetrical patient | 0 | $46.89 |
04708 | Prolonged laparoscopic surgery, per 15 min (extra) | 0 | $71.72 |
04714 | Prolonged surgery-open procedure, per 15 min(extra | 0 | $71.72 |
Vaginal Operations on the Cervix and Uterus |
04545 | Artificial insemination - operation only | 0 | $32.71 |
04510 | Biopsy cervix with d&c | 2 | $200.00 |
04508 | Biopsy cervix, under g.a. | 2 | $200.00 |
04533 | Cauterization cervix, electric, in office | 0 | $38.61 |
04530 | Cauterization cervix, g.a. | 2 | $200.00 |
04531 | Cauterization of cervix to include d&c if done | 2 | $200.00 |
04517 | Cervical incompetence - elective repair | 2 | $254.72 |
04516 | Cervical incompetence - emergency repair | 2 | $356.60 |
04515 | Cervical ligature, removal of under anaesthetic | 2 | $200.00 |
04551 | Cervical stump removal | 3 | $305.66 |
04500 | Cervix dilation and curettage | 2 | $203.40 |
04502 | Cervix, repair of | 2 | $200.00 |
04536 | Cone biopsy cervix (includes d&c) | 2 | $263.90 |
04503 | Cryosurgery - cervix | 2 | $101.89 |
04512 | Myomectomy vaginal | 4 | $151.29 |
00770 | Pelvic examination under anesthesia | 2 | $200.00 |
04509 | Polypectomy - cervical | 2 | $30.57 |
The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.
MSP Billing Codes
- Anaesthesia
- Cardiac Surgery
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- General Surgery
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- Internal Medicine
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- Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID)
- Midwife
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- Nuclear Medicine
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
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