MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Midwife

Code Description Fee


36079 Midwife consultative care and assessment-phase 1 $40.76
36080 Midwife consultative care and assessment-phase 2 $40.76
36081 Midwife consultative care and assessment-phase 3 $41.37
36082 Midwife consultative care and assessment-phase 4 $41.37
36083 Midwife consultative care and assessment-phase 5 $41.37
36084 Midwife consultative care/assessment by phone $41.37
36085 Midwife consultative care/assessment call-out-day $72.41
36093 Midwife consultative care/assessment callout-night $35.53
36092 Midwife consultative care/assessment callout-night $4.06
36091 Midwife consultative care/assessment callout-night $10.15

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36086 Midwife consultative care/assessment callout-night $116.89
36021 Midwife phase 1 (1st trimest) 1st visit is in ph 2 $268.98
36010 Midwife phase 1 (1st trimester) - total care $268.98
36016 Midwife phase 1 (1st trimester)-trans frm othr 60% $161.36
36014 Midwife phase 1 (1st trimester)-trans to othr 40% $107.58
36020 Midwife phase 2 (2nd trimester) - total care $268.98
36026 Midwife phase 2 (2nd trimester)-trans frm othr 60% $161.36
36024 Midwife phase 2 (2nd trimester)-trans to othr 40% $107.58
36036 Midwife phase 3 (3nd trimester)-trans frm othr 60% $322.82
36034 Midwife phase 3 (3nd trimester)-trans to othr 40% $215.22
36030 Midwife phase 3 (3rd trimester) - total care $538.05
36031 Midwife phase 3 (third trimester) phase 3 services $538.05
36046 Midwife phase 4 - home birth medications $50.73
36047 Midwife phase 4 - home birth supplies $101.45
36040 Midwife phase 4 (l & d) - first contact prior 34 w $1,075.91
36045 Midwife phase 4 home birth: second attendance fees $371.35
36048 Midwife phase 4 supp care-scheduld c-section in or $106.10
36070 Midwife phase 4 surgical assist caesarean schedule $192.08
36071 Midwife phase 4 surgical assistance-caesarean emer $260.35
36076 Midwife phase 4-caesarean night surcharge $185.94
36075 Midwife phase 4-caesarean-evening surcharge $115.83
36077 Midwife phase 4-caesarean-weekend/stat surcharge $115.83
36078 Midwife phase 4-call out-emergency caesarean sect $115.98
36073 Midwife phase 4-first surgical assist of the day $88.16
36056 Midwife phase 5 (post part care) - trnsfr to other $645.56
36054 Midwife phase 5 (post part care) -trnsfr frm other $430.37
36050 Midwife phase 5 (post partum care) - total care $1,075.91
36049 Midwife phase4 supp care-scheduled c-sect recovery $106.10
36064 Midwife supervision of 11-15 full courses of care $12,290.45
36065 Midwife supervision of 16-30 full courses of care $15,363.06
36062 Midwife supervision of 5 full courses of care $6,145.22
36063 Midwife supervision of 6 - 10 full courses of care $9,217.84
36061 Midwife supervision of up to 5 births or 4 full cs $3,072.61
36074 Midwife surgical assistance-fs delivery incentive $244.14
36072 Midwife-attendance at caesarean as mrp for baby $91.44
36041 Midwife-phase4 (labour/delivery) trans to (40%) $430.37
36042 Midwife-phase4 (labour/delivery) transfer (60%) $645.56
36067 Supervised labour and delivery-conditional midwive $131.32
36066 Supervision of continuity of care-conditional midw $315.15
36068 Supervision of in-office competency-based skills $15.75
36069 Supervision of out-of-office competency-based $26.26

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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