MSP Billing Codes
Specialty: Diagnostic Radiology
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Code | Description | Fee |
Abdomen |
08570 | Abdomen x-ray | $35.32 |
08571 | Abdominal multiple x-ray | $53.41 |
Angiography |
08626 | Angiogram, thoracic or abdominal, mult non-select | $137.74 |
08627 | Angiogram, thoracic or abdominal, mult selective | $135.56 |
08616 | Angiography cerebral x-ray - bilateral | $232.60 |
08615 | Angiography cerebral x-ray - unilateral | $135.56 |
08618 | Angiography peripheral - bilateral | $104.61 |
08617 | Angiography peripheral - unilateral | $70.17 |
Arthrogram |
08637 | Arthogram - elbow (excluding injection of contrast | $34.95 |
08631 | Arthogram - wrist (excluding injection of contrast | $34.95 |
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08609 | Arthrogram x-ray - ankle | $34.95 |
08607 | Arthrogram x-ray - hip | $34.95 |
08608 | Arthrogram x-ray - knee | $74.99 |
08606 | Arthrogram x-ray - shoulder | $38.00 |
Bone Mineral Densitometry Using DEXA Technology |
08689 | Bone density - second area | $47.37 |
08688 | Bone density - single area | $69.25 |
08696 | Bone density - whole body | $124.68 |
Bone Survey |
08604 | Bone survey - 1st anatomical area | $35.32 |
08605 | Bone survey - additional anatomical area | $17.80 |
08603 | Bone survey - age | $37.01 |
Breast |
86048 | Breast sonogram - additional side | $35.62 |
86047 | Breast sonogram - unilateral | $70.63 |
83045 | Interventional radiology consultation | $150.00 |
Chest |
08553 | Chest fluoroscopy | $17.93 |
08555 | Chest x-rays - ribs both sides | $53.41 |
08554 | Chest x-rays - ribs one side | $35.32 |
08557 | Chest x-rays - sternum and sterno | $53.41 |
08556 | Chest x-rays - sternum or sterno | $35.32 |
08551 | Chest x-rays - thoracic inlet | $35.04 |
08552 | Chest x-rays - thoracic inlet -additional views | $17.80 |
08550 | Chest x-rays - thoracic viscera | $35.04 |
Computerized Tomography |
83090 | Cardiac ct/ct coronary angiography, prof. fee | $170.21 |
83096 | Ct colonography, professional fee (extra) | $62.20 |
08695 | Tomography - body scan double scan or two regions | $138.54 |
08691 | Tomography - head scan with contrast | $64.08 |
08694 | Tomography-body scan one region with contrast | $101.35 |
08693 | Tomography-body scan one region without contrast | $91.69 |
08692 | Tomography-head scan double scan or 2 planes | $82.76 |
08690 | Tomography-head scan without contrast | $45.95 |
Fluroscopy |
08629 | Fluoroscopy with clinical procedures | $40.86 |
08575 | Video fluroscopy - 50% added to 08572 & 08573 | $43.03 |
Gall Bladder |
08584 | Biliary calculi, removal, radiological | $64.67 |
08581 | Cholangiogram intravenous x-ray | $76.37 |
08582 | Cholangiogram operative x-ray | $57.41 |
08583 | Cholangiogram, direct post-operative | $61.91 |
Gastrointestinal Tracts |
08576 | Colon or double contrast air studies | $96.96 |
08579 | Glucagon assisted contrast study | $37.85 |
08577 | Hypotonic duodenography | $86.03 |
08572 | Oesophagus only -x-ray | $60.23 |
08573 | Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum -x-ray | $86.03 |
08578 | Pancreatography | $52.63 |
08574 | Small bowel | $86.03 |
Genito-Urinary System |
08595 | Cystogram or retrogradeurethrogram | $52.88 |
08596 | Hystero-salpingogram x-ray | $86.03 |
08594 | Intravenous pyelogram / voiding cystourethrogram | $104.61 |
08590 | Kub x-ray | $35.32 |
08597 | Pelvimetry x-ray | $72.97 |
08591 | Pyelogram x-ray intravenous | $79.56 |
08593 | Pyelogram x-ray retrograde or antegrade | $52.88 |
08599 | Voiding cystourethrogram x-ray | $87.41 |
Head and Neck |
08513 | Dacryocystogram x-ray | $34.94 |
08511 | Eye x-ray for foreign body | $35.32 |
08512 | Eye x-ray localization procedure | $52.88 |
08504 | Facial bones x-ray | $35.32 |
08515 | Laryngogram (excluding procedural fee) | $52.89 |
08508 | Mandible temporo mandibular joint x-ray | $35.32 |
08507 | Mandible x-ray | $35.32 |
08506 | Mastoids x-ray | $53.41 |
08505 | Nasal bones - x-ray | $35.32 |
08514 | Nasopharynx and/or neck, soft tissue | $22.93 |
08518 | Pre-mri view(s) of orbits to rule out metallic fb | $24.29 |
08509 | Salivary gland area x-ray | $35.32 |
08510 | Sialography | $55.11 |
08503 | Sinuses para-nasal x-ray diagnostic | $35.32 |
08500 | Skull x-ray routine | $53.41 |
08501 | Skull x-ray special studies | $35.32 |
Interventional Radiology |
83000 | Interventional radiology consultation | $103.35 |
08630 | Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty | $318.46 |
83070 | Telehealth interventional radiology consultation | $103.35 |
Lower Extremity |
08534 | Ankle x-ray | $35.32 |
08531 | Femur x-ray | $35.32 |
08533 | Fibula and tibia x-ray | $35.32 |
08535 | Foot x-ray | $35.32 |
08530 | Hip x-ray | $35.32 |
08532 | Knee x-ray | $35.32 |
08536 | Leg length x-ray | $41.59 |
08537 | Lower extremity, requested add. x-ray | $17.80 |
Mammography |
08611 | Mammography - bilateral | $145.91 |
08610 | Mammography - unilateral | $104.11 |
Miscellaneous |
08620 | Aortography (aortography plus peripheral angiograp | $180.25 |
08602 | Body section radiography | $50.37 |
08628 | Interpretation of a submitted film | $51.57 |
08633 | Radiology assistant fee - each 15 min after 1 hour | $28.26 |
08632 | Radiology assistant fee - first hour or fraction | $112.91 |
08601 | X-ray sinus/fistula with contrast media/injection | $66.48 |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
86056 | Obs b scan < 14 wks/nuchal translucency-add fetus | $95.22 |
86055 | Obs.b-scan <14 wks/nuchal translucency-singles | $126.97 |
Spine and Pelvis |
08548 | Myelogram and/or posterior fossa positive contrast | $104.61 |
08544 | Pelvis x-ray | $35.32 |
08547 | Pelvis x-ray and additional views | $42.28 |
08545 | Sacro-iliac joint x-ray | $35.32 |
08546 | Scoliosis film | $46.22 |
08540 | Spine and pelvis x-ray - cervical | $42.28 |
08542 | Spine and pelvis x-ray - lumbar | $53.41 |
08543 | Spine and pelvis x-ray - sacrum and coccyx | $35.32 |
08541 | Spine and pelvis x-ray - thoracic | $35.32 |
08549 | Spine, x-ray requested additional | $33.26 |
Upper Extremity |
08522 | Elbow x-ray | $35.32 |
08523 | Forearm x-ray | $35.32 |
08525 | Hand any part x-ray | $35.32 |
08521 | Humerus x-ray | $35.32 |
08520 | Shoulder girdle | $35.32 |
08526 | Upper extremity, requested add. x-ray | $17.80 |
08524 | Wrist x-ray | $35.32 |
The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.
MSP Billing Codes
- Anaesthesia
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiology
- Clinical Immunology And Allergy
- Critical Care
- Dermatology
- Diagnostic And Selected Therapeutic Procedures
- Diagnostic Radiology
- Diagnostic Ultrasound
- Emergency Medicine
- Endocrinology
- Family Medicine
- Gastroenterology
- General Internal Medicine
- General Services
- General Surgery
- Geriatric Medicine
- Hematology And Oncology
- Infectious Disease
- Internal Medicine
- Laboratory Medicine
- Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID)
- Midwife
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Nuclear Medicine
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Occupational Medicine
- Opthalmology
- Orthopaedics
- Otolaryngology
- Out Of Office Premiums
- Pediatrics
- Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation
- Plastic Surgery
- Psychiatry
- Respirology
- Rheumatology
- Specialist Services Committee
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology
- Vascular Surgery
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