MSP Billing Codes
Specialty: Orthodontic Specialists
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Code | Description | Fee |
Cleft Lip and / or Palate - Care of Newborn |
03964 | Newborn-initial examination & expl. re: nature of | $95.05 |
03965 | Ortho care of newborn < 2yrs. bone-moving | $1,325.02 |
39967 | Orthodontic care of newborn - bilateral | $4,847.85 |
39968 | Orthodontic care of newborn - bilateral | $1,500.00 |
39966 | Orthodontic care of newborn - unilateral | $3,809.01 |
Deciduous |
03956 | Deciduous - complex-malocclusion req. 2 or more | $2,902.34 |
03955 | Deciduous - simple - malocclusion req. the use of | $2,902.34 |
03957 | Severe - malocclusion req. 2 or more removable | $2,902.34 |
Full Alignment and Retention |
03978 | Full alignment & retention.- initial exam. | $95.05 |
03980 | Full alignment and retention - case analysis and | $221.78 |
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03979 | Full alignment and retention - diagnostic phase - | $304.18 |
Initial Expansion and Corrective Dental Alignment |
03972 | Case analysis & conslt.includes treatment planning | $221.78 |
03971 | Diagnostic phase-diagnostic models,facials, | $304.18 |
03970 | Initial exam.-will include clinical exam.and exp. | $95.05 |
Mixed Dentition |
03959 | Mixed dentition - complex- malocclusion req. 2 or | $2,902.34 |
03960 | Mixed dentition - severe-malocclusion req. 2 or | $2,902.34 |
03958 | Mixed dentition - simple - malocclusion req.use of | $2,902.34 |
Observation and Adjustments |
03969 | Observation & adjustments - fixed appliance - to | $39.98 |
03968 | Observation & adjustments - removable appliance | $43.10 |
03967 | Observation & adjustments - serial extraction | $57.34 |
03966 | Observation & adjustments -(observation to be | $38.03 |
Orthodontic Services for Severe Congenital Cranial-Facial Anomalies |
03954 | Severe congenital cranial-facial anomalies - case | $221.78 |
03953 | Severe congenital cranio-facial /diagnostic phase | $304.18 |
03952 | Severe congenital cranio-facial anomalies-initial | $95.05 |
Permanent Dentition |
03962 | Permanent dentition - complex-malocclusion | $2,902.34 |
03961 | Permanent dentition - simple - malocclusion req a | $2,902.34 |
03963 | Permanent dentition-severe-malocclusion req. a | $2,902.34 |
Speech Obturator |
39981 | Complex continuing care of speech obturator | $487.44 |
39977 | Continuing care of palatal fistula obturator | $48.75 |
39984 | Continuing care of speech lift | $73.12 |
39976 | Palatal fistula obturator | $1,152.68 |
39978 | Remake of a palatal fistula obturator | $764.42 |
39980 | Simple continuing care of speech obturator | $97.47 |
39983 | Speech lift | $5,760.33 |
39985 | Speech lift remake | $3,840.22 |
39979 | Speech obturator | $7,598.06 |
39982 | Speech obturator remake | $5,063.27 |
Treatment Phase |
03983 | Class 1 malocclusions - severe- requiring full | $1,964.46 |
03982 | Class 1 malocclusions-complex-full banding of both | $1,869.42 |
03981 | Class 1 malocclusions-simple - requiring banding | $1,774.37 |
03985 | Class 11 malocclusions - complex-requiring full | $2,059.52 |
03986 | Class 11 malocclusions-severe - full banding of | $2,154.56 |
03984 | Class 11 malocclusions-simple requiring banding in | $1,964.46 |
03988 | Class 111 malocclusions - complex - full banding | $2,059.52 |
03989 | Class 111 malocclusions - severe - requiring full | $2,154.56 |
03987 | Class 111 malocclusions - simple - banding in both | $1,964.46 |
03974 | Complex - malocclusions req. one complexed fixed | $1,032.93 |
03975 | Severe - malocclusions that req. one or more | $1,267.41 |
03973 | Simple - malocclusions req. uncomplicated | $2,758.48 |
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MSP Billing Codes
- Anaesthesia
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- Clinical Immunology And Allergy
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- Diagnostic And Selected Therapeutic Procedures
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- Thoracic Surgery
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