MSP Billing Codes
Specialty: Oral And Maxillofacial
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Code | Description | Fee |
Antral Surgery |
35727 | Antral lavage - bilateral (separate procedure) | $69.72 |
35726 | Antral lavage - unilateral (separate procedure) | $38.03 |
35711 | Antral surgery - immediate recovery of a tooth | $106.18 |
35717 | Antral surgery - nasal antrostomy | $126.92 |
35715 | Antral surgery - radical antrostomy/caldwell luc | $391.23 |
35712 | Antral surgery - secondary recovery of a tooth | $335.37 |
35720 | Closure of an oral antral fistula - immediate | $231.78 |
35722 | Closure oral antral fistula - secondary closure | $245.92 |
35723 | Closure oral antral fistula/secondary - gold foil | $279.48 |
35724 | Closure oral antral fistula/secondary/palatal flap | $452.63 |
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35729 | Diagnostic sinus endoscopy, with or without biopsy | $120.38 |
35730 | Sinus endoscopic surgical procedure | $316.85 |
Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery |
35302 | Primary repair cleft lip - bilateral repair | $939.36 |
35300 | Primary repair cleft lip - unilateral repair | $654.25 |
35305 | Primary repair cleft palate - surgical repair | $627.72 |
35315 | Secondary repair cleft lip - pharyngoplasty | $419.21 |
35320 | Secondary repair cleft lip - push-back of palate | $614.82 |
35310 | Secondary repair cleft lip - soft tissue | $633.72 |
35311 | Secondary repair cleft lip/each additional fistula | $316.85 |
35332 | Secondary repair of cleft palate - bilateral | $1,013.90 |
35330 | Secondary repair of cleft palate - unilateral | $760.42 |
Consultations / Visits |
35012 | Call out oral surgeon called by ha | $306.14 |
35013 | Call-out charges - evening | $54.56 |
35014 | Call-out charges - night | $76.59 |
35015 | Call-out charges - sat, sun or statutory holiday | $54.56 |
35025 | Cont care operative surcharges - sat, sun, or stat @ 32.77% of surgical (or assistant) fee to a maxmimum of | $368.86 |
35023 | Continuing care operative surcharges - evening @ 32.77% of surgical (or assistant) fee to a maximum of | $368.86 |
35024 | Continuing care operative surcharges - night @ 52.54% of surgical (or assistant) fee to a maximum of | $517.98 |
35001 | Emergency consult surcharge-sat,sun,stat 1800-0800 | $27.14 |
35000 | Emergency consultation - in hospital | $118.93 |
35008 | Hospital visits - medical management | $24.60 |
35006 | In hospital consult-non emergent | $183.70 |
35005 | Non-emergent consultation - initial | $118.93 |
Dental Implants |
35168 | Intraosseous implants - exposure of first unit | $113.81 |
35165 | Intraosseous implants - placement of first unit | $223.55 |
35169 | Intraosseous implants/each additional unit exposed | $56.92 |
35166 | Intraosseous implants/each additional unit placed | $139.73 |
35174 | Removal of implants - intraosseous, first unit | $111.80 |
35175 | Removal of implants - intraosseous/each additional | $55.89 |
35172 | Removal of implants - subperiosteal | $670.70 |
Dentoalveolar Complications |
35771 | Subs visit-treatment of a dentoalveolar complicati | $28.77 |
35770 | Treatment of a dentoalveolar complication | $50.32 |
Dentoalveolar Surgery |
35034 | Erupted teeth - each additional surgical removal | $111.64 |
35031 | Erupted teeth - each additional tooth per quadrant | $57.08 |
35030 | Erupted teeth - first tooth per quadrant | $86.54 |
35033 | Erupted teeth - surgical removal with flap | $169.20 |
35051 | Impacted teeth - each additional 'full bony' | $136.62 |
35046 | Impacted teeth - each additional 'part bony' | $92.25 |
35041 | Impacted teeth - each additional 'soft tissue' | $111.64 |
35055 | Impacted teeth - each additional full bony extreme | $201.22 |
35059 | Impacted teeth - each additional tooth follicle | $128.87 |
35050 | Impacted teeth - full bony | $272.62 |
35054 | Impacted teeth - full bony impaction extreme | $290.64 |
35045 | Impacted teeth - partial bony | $195.02 |
35058 | Impacted teeth - removal of a tooth follicle | $161.20 |
35040 | Impacted teeth - soft tissue | $169.20 |
35063 | Residual roots - bone coverage first per quadrant | $169.44 |
35064 | Residual roots - each additional 'bone coverage' | $72.91 |
35061 | Residual roots - each additional 'soft tissue' | $45.86 |
35060 | Residual roots - soft tissue coverage | $92.81 |
Exposure and Repositioning of Teeth |
35076 | Surgical uprighting - placement of traction device | $285.19 |
35077 | Surgical uprighting - traction device - each add | $142.59 |
35074 | Surgical uprighting/repos/ - each additional | $118.69 |
35073 | Surgical uprighting/repos/uncovering of a tooth | $237.14 |
35070 | Tooth transplantation | $335.37 |
35071 | Tooth transplantation - each additional quadrant | $167.68 |
Grafting Procedures |
35670 | Hard/soft tissue grafts - bone/alloplast grafting | $304.17 |
35675 | Hard/soft tissue grafts - soft tissue grafting | $167.68 |
35685 | Harvesting hard/soft tissue grafts - distant site | $380.24 |
35683 | Harvesting hard/soft tissue grafts - local site | $133.08 |
35680 | Harvesting of hard tissue grafts - local sites | $44.71 |
Lasions |
35210 | Complicated closure - arterial island flap | $471.47 |
35206 | Complicated closure - each additional graft | $120.71 |
35211 | Complicated closure - each additional pedicle flap | $235.82 |
35205 | Complicated closure - free skin graft - placement | $241.21 |
35231 | Complicated closure - island and rotation flaps | $131.52 |
35215 | Complicated closure - local tissue shifts | $235.10 |
35230 | Complicated closure - soft tissue graft placement | $65.78 |
35235 | Cryotherapy or chemotherapy soft tissue lesion | $244.91 |
35267 | Cryotherapy with enucleation of intraosseous | $279.46 |
35282 | Discontinuity defect - bilateral resection | $1,564.98 |
35280 | Discontinuity defect - unilateral resection | $1,006.08 |
35250 | Intraosseous lesions - < or = 1 cm in diameter | $252.94 |
35270 | Intraosseous lesions - < or = 2 cm diameter | $503.01 |
35272 | Intraosseous lesions - > 2 cm | $726.62 |
35255 | Intraosseous lesions - > 5 cm | $558.92 |
35252 | Intraosseous lesions - 1 cm to 5 cm | $498.46 |
35260 | Intraosseous lesions - each additional same jaw | $279.46 |
35265 | Intraosseous lesions/each additional alternate jaw | $419.19 |
35226 | Primary closure - each additional lesion > 1 cm | $249.25 |
35220 | Primary closure - lesion base < or = 1 cm | $252.94 |
35225 | Primary closure - lesion base > 1 cm | $498.46 |
35200 | Primary closure - lesion based < or = 2 cm | $167.68 |
35201 | Primary closure - lesion based > 2 cm | $335.37 |
35221 | Primary closure/each additional lesion < or = 1 cm | $126.46 |
35295 | Secondary discontinuity defect/microvascular | $2,682.82 |
35292 | Secondary repair discontinuity defect/bilateral | $1,676.77 |
35290 | Secondary repair discontinuity defect/unilateral | $1,106.66 |
35241 | Surface osseous lesions - each add base < or = 1cm | $101.18 |
35246 | Surface osseous lesions - each add lesion > 1 cm | $191.39 |
35240 | Surface osseous lesions - lesion base < or = 1 cm | $202.34 |
35245 | Surface osseous lesions - lesion base > 1 cm | $382.76 |
Management of Inflammatory Processes |
35370 | Soft tissue incision & drainage - extraoral deep | $554.88 |
35375 | Soft tissue incision & drainage - sequestrectomy | $286.78 |
35350 | Soft tissue incision & drainage - vestibular | $61.35 |
35365 | Soft tissue incision/drain/extraoral superficial | $153.92 |
35360 | Soft tissue incision/intraoral deep | $291.50 |
35355 | Soft tissue incision/intraoral superficial | $95.05 |
35380 | Soft tissue/incis/drain/-sequestrectomy extensive | $697.07 |
Nasal Surgery |
35657 | Closure oronasal fistula - arterial pedicle flap | $419.34 |
35659 | Closure oronasal fistula - tongue flap closure | $470.93 |
35656 | Closure oronasal fistula - transpositional flap | $234.73 |
Oseous Recontouring |
35102 | Alveoloplasty - in conjunction multiple extraction | $84.96 |
35100 | Alveoloplasty - per edentulous sextant | $103.17 |
35105 | Alveoloplasty - tuberosity reduction bone removal | $234.74 |
35108 | Removal of torus/exostosis - palatal torus | $291.30 |
35107 | Removal of torus/exostosis - per quadrant | $184.66 |
Reconstruction of the Alveolar Ridge |
35145 | Placement of alloplastic membrane/barrier | $50.32 |
35151 | Preprosthetic aug by osteotomy - each additional | $335.37 |
35153 | Preprosthetic aug by osteotomy - with bone graft | $586.87 |
35154 | Preprosthetic aug by osteotomy/each add/bone graft | $363.28 |
35150 | Preprosthetic aug by osteotomy/without bone graft | $544.83 |
35140 | Preprosthetic augmentation with bone or alloplast | $503.01 |
35143 | Preprosthetic maxillary antrum augmentation | $251.54 |
35142 | Preprosthetic maxillary antrum/nasal floor | $503.01 |
35149 | Removal barrier/membrane per sextant | $50.32 |
Removal Foreign Bodies |
35706 | Decompression/transposition of mandibular nerve | $333.32 |
35704 | Nerve repair with graft | $1,242.04 |
35701 | Primary nerve repair | $243.73 |
35692 | Removal foreign bodies - superficially located | $106.59 |
35690 | Removal of foreign bodies - within deep tissue | $380.10 |
35695 | Removal of foreign body from bone - surgical | $335.37 |
35702 | Secondary nerve repair | $546.43 |
Salivary Glands |
35754 | Excision of sublingual gland, intraorally | $349.41 |
35756 | Excision of submandibular gland | $447.14 |
35760 | Excision ranula/plunging | $447.14 |
35758 | Excision ranula/superficial | $99.57 |
35749 | Intraductal sialolithotomy - parotid | $285.19 |
35747 | Intraductal sialolithotomy - submandibular | $139.73 |
35752 | Intraglandular sialolithotomy | $307.40 |
35762 | Removal benign parotid tumour | $950.57 |
35740 | Salivary glands - dilation of salivary duct | $45.15 |
35744 | Salivary glands - repair of salivary fistula | $509.94 |
35742 | Salivary glands - sialodochoplasty | $139.73 |
Soft Tissue Recontouring |
35128 | Frenectomy | $234.00 |
35129 | Frenectomy - second at same surgery | $117.01 |
35124 | Gingivoplasty, per sextant | $112.24 |
35122 | Operculectomy | $43.53 |
35126 | Surgical treatment / palatal papillary hyperplasia | $222.94 |
35120 | Uncomplicated excision of hyperplastic tissue | $89.52 |
35134 | Vestibuloplasty - detachment of mylohyoid muscle | $302.52 |
35131 | Vestibuloplasty - each sextant | $343.01 |
35132 | Vestibuloplasty - mucous membrane or skin graft | $83.84 |
Surgical Assistant |
35801 | Surgical assistant | $447.14 |
35802 | Surgical assistant - after three hours continuous | $27.94 |
35800 | Surgical asst/certified surgical asst over $654.12 | $583.02 |
Surgical Endodontics |
35080 | Apicoectomy - anterior | $315.03 |
35082 | Apicoectomy - bicuspids and buccal roots | $391.27 |
35088 | Apicoectomy - hemisection | $139.31 |
35084 | Apicoectomy - palatal roots of maxillary molars | $373.94 |
35086 | Apicoectomy - per root end fill, add | $37.34 |
35090 | Root amputations - one root per tooth | $278.65 |
35092 | Root amputations - two roots per tooth | $334.35 |
Surgical Excision |
35182 | Incisional biopsies - hard tissue (bone/cartilage) | $223.55 |
35180 | Incisional biopsies - soft tissue | $124.43 |
35186 | Lip surgery - cheiloplasty | $307.40 |
35184 | Lip surgery - vermilionectomy | $307.40 |
35190 | Lip surgery - wedge resection depth of the sulcus | $279.48 |
35188 | Lip surgery - wedge resection vermilion border | $112.91 |
Surgical Treatment of Dentofacial Deformities |
35587 | Body osteotomies - bilateral | $1,742.67 |
35589 | Body osteotomies - inferior osteotomy/ostectomy | $823.81 |
35586 | Body osteotomies - unilateral | $1,077.28 |
35640 | Cheiloplasty (v/y, double v/y closure) | $122.95 |
35634 | Distraction osteogenesis | $745.80 |
35550 | Interdental corticotomy/ostectomy - first tooth | $217.98 |
35551 | Interdental corticotomy/ostectomy - second teeth | $106.18 |
35584 | Mandibular osteotomies - bilateral - extraoral | $1,837.72 |
35583 | Mandibular osteotomies - bilateral - intraoral | $1,742.67 |
35581 | Mandibular osteotomies - unilateral - extraoral | $1,140.68 |
35580 | Mandibular osteotomies - unilateral - intraoral | $1,077.28 |
35574 | Mandibular symphyseal surgery - augmentation graft | $728.75 |
35570 | Mandibular symphyseal surgery - by osteoplasty | $430.91 |
35576 | Mandibular symphyseal surgery/alloplastic material | $411.90 |
35572 | Mandibular symphyseal surgery/ostectomy/osteotomy | $760.42 |
35602 | Maxillary osteotomies - each additional alveolar | $101.39 |
35601 | Maxillary osteotomies - first additional segment | $202.79 |
35600 | Maxillary osteotomies - le fort i | $1,774.37 |
35605 | Maxillary osteotomies - le fort ii | $2,154.57 |
35608 | Maxillary osteotomies - le fort iii - intracranial | $3,802.19 |
35607 | Maxillary osteotomies - le fort iii, extracranial | $3,041.77 |
35611 | Orbital rim osteotomies - bilateral | $3,802.19 |
35610 | Orbital rim osteotomies - unilateral | $3,041.77 |
35592 | Osteotomy of zygomatic complex - bilateral | $1,774.37 |
35595 | Osteotomy of zygomatic complex - post traumatic | $633.72 |
35591 | Osteotomy of zygomatic complex - unilateral | $1,077.28 |
35636 | Placement of arch bars or other tooth fixation | $348.56 |
35638 | Placement of gunning type splints | $443.58 |
35625 | Reduction of masseteric - bilateral - extraoral | $1,647.62 |
35624 | Reduction of masseteric - bilateral - intraoral | $1,444.83 |
35621 | Reduction of masseteric - unilateral - extraoral | $1,140.68 |
35620 | Reduction of masseteric - unilateral - intraoral | $937.87 |
35645 | Removal of internal fixation devices | $456.27 |
35643 | Removal of intraosseous wires/pins | $223.55 |
35647 | Removal of splints, suspens. ligatures - other jaw | $63.36 |
35642 | Removal of splints, suspension ligatures | $126.72 |
35632 | Reoperation of a dentofacial deformity | $1,688.97 |
35560 | Segmental osteotomies - per segment | $697.07 |
35562 | Segmental osteotomies - total alveolar osteotomy | $1,291.54 |
35651 | Turbinectomies - maxillary osteotomy - bilateral | $107.75 |
35650 | Turbinectomies - maxillary osteotomy - unilateral | $82.41 |
35630 | When rigid fixation is used for osteotomies | $372.91 |
35532 | Arthoroscopy - diagnostic arthroscopy - manipulate | $217.98 |
35538 | Arthroscopic surgery through more than one port | $586.87 |
35536 | Arthroscopy in conjunction with open arthrotomy | $106.18 |
35534 | Arthroscopy/diagnostic arthroscopy/port technique | $441.55 |
35527 | Coronoidectomy, add | $195.63 |
35525 | Gap arthroplasty for anklylosis | $1,084.28 |
35515 | Open joint procedures - alloplastic fossa | $114.07 |
35510 | Open joint procedures - arthrotomy | $894.29 |
35511 | Open joint procedures - condyloplasty, add | $100.60 |
35512 | Open joint procedures - eminoplasty, add | $100.60 |
35513 | Open joint procedures - meniscoplasty | $100.60 |
35514 | Open joint procedures - muscle flap and/or dermal | $114.07 |
35516 | Open joint procedures - ramus/condylar | $279.48 |
35520 | Open joint procedures - total joint replacement | $1,676.77 |
35530 | Reoperation of temporomandibular joint | $411.13 |
35526 | Significant surgical soft tissue/muscle release | $195.63 |
35504 | Temporomandibular joint - arthrocentesis | $139.73 |
35502 | Temporomandibular joint - manipulation | $139.73 |
35500 | Temporomandibular joint - reduction of dislocation | $139.73 |
35506 | Temporomandibular joint/therapeutic arthrocentesis | $195.63 |
Treament of Traumatic Injuries |
35440 | Closed reductions - of maxilla with arch bars | $495.66 |
35444 | Closed reductions - zygomatic complex by temporal | $253.50 |
35442 | Closed reductions/of maxilla using gunning splints | $670.70 |
35410 | Complicated - closed with a free graft | $309.64 |
35495 | Compound fracture | $332.24 |
35461 | Correction of post-traumatic deviated septum | $188.36 |
35400 | Dentoalveolar trauma - implantation & splinting | $358.23 |
35402 | Dentoalveolar trauma - reduction of alveolar | $557.67 |
35420 | Eyelid/lip - complicated repair | $346.55 |
35412 | Forehead/scalp/neck - < or = 5 cm laceration | $266.16 |
35413 | Forehead/scalp/neck - > 5 cm laceration | $346.53 |
35436 | Frontal/orbital - floor of orbit fractures | $614.82 |
35430 | Frontal/orbital - frontal sinus fractures | $670.70 |
35435 | Frontal/orbital - isolated fractures | $391.23 |
35433 | Frontal/orbital - naso-orbital-ethmoid - closed | $447.14 |
35432 | Frontal/orbital - naso-orbital-ethmoid - open | $1,006.08 |
35381 | Management of a non-avulsed tooth with wire | $82.69 |
35470 | Mandibular fractures - closed reduction/arch bars | $842.94 |
35472 | Mandibular fractures/closed reduct/using gunning | $1,140.66 |
35464 | Nasal fractures - comminuted nasal fractures | $316.85 |
35462 | Nasal fractures - reduction and splinting | $152.10 |
35460 | Nasal fractures - simple reduction | $76.05 |
35415 | Nose/ear/cheek/chin - < or = 5 cm laceration | $266.57 |
35416 | Nose/ear/cheek/chin - > 5 cm laceration | $346.55 |
35382 | Onetime fee for additional teeth | $41.34 |
35477 | Open reductions - angle/body fracture | $1,093.15 |
35456 | Open reductions - cranioplasty - bilateral | $1,307.51 |
35455 | Open reductions - cranioplasty - unilateral | $871.70 |
35451 | Open reductions - le fort i | $1,383.29 |
35452 | Open reductions - le fort ii | $1,542.64 |
35453 | Open reductions - le fort iii | $1,844.47 |
35475 | Open reductions - subcondylar fracture | $1,093.15 |
35479 | Open reductions - symphyseal/parasymphyseal | $621.01 |
35457 | Open reductions - zygomatic arch | $558.92 |
35459 | Open reductions - zygomatico - orbital complex | $760.42 |
35482 | Open reductions/extraoral - angle/body | $728.75 |
35480 | Open reductions/extraoral - subcondylar | $728.75 |
35484 | Open reductions/extraoral - symphyseal/parasymph | $621.01 |
35492 | Pericranial/periauricular flaps - bilateral, add | $391.23 |
35491 | Pericranial/periauricular flaps - unilateral, add | $279.48 |
35383 | Removal of splint after stabilization | $50.44 |
35405 | Soft tissue injuries - simple/single layer suture | $136.18 |
The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.
MSP Billing Codes
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