
New MSP Service Location Codes

Ashley Lane
Apr. 5, 2021
5-minute read

Starting April 1st, 2021, the MSP Service Location codes (SLCs) now detail the type of facility and care settings where services are provided. April 1st, 2021 to September 30th, 2021 is a transition period for you to familiarize yourself with the new SLCs. During this period you can use both the current and revised codes in the SLC field. After October 1st, 2021 you’ll be required to only use the revised SLCs.

9 new codes will replace the code “(A) Practitioner’s Office – In Community.” Select the correct SLC depending on where services are provided, except for the N code (which is specific not to location but instead is about what service is being provided and by who).

New MSP ‘SLC’ Codes

Code Description Who should bill
(B) Community Health Centre Interprofessional primary care that integrates services/programs in primary care, health promotion, and community well-being including primary care services as well as a broader range of social supports.  If you are providing care in a community health centre that integrates primary care services as well as a broader range of social support.
(K) Hybrid Primary Care Practice

Part-time longitudinal primary care

practice, part-time walk-in clinic (see

definitions below).

If you are providing care in a part-time private

practice/part-time walk-in clinic.

(J) First Nations Primary Health Care Clinic Provides interprofessional based continuum of care that integrates health services, disease prevention and management, population health promotion, traditional and mental wellness, and social determinants of health, as well as embodies attributes of cultural safety and humility, trauma-informed care, and integration to first nations communities. If you are working in a primary health care clinic providing inter-professional-based care to first nations communities.
(L) Longitudinal Primary Care Practice A Family Physician, group of Family Physicians, or group of primary care providers (FPs and NPs), practicing in a private longitudinal primary care practice (e.g. Patient Medical Home).  If you are providing care in a private practice or with other primary care providers. 
(N) Health Care Practitioner Office An office where non-physician Health Care Practitioners, e.g. Nurse Practitioners, are providing primary care.  If you are working in a private practice (e.g. midwives, supplementary benefit providers) are providing services billed to or tracked through MSP.
(Q) Specialist Physician Office A specialist physician office.  If you are providing care as a specialist physician working in a private specialized medical practice. 
(U) Urgent and Primary Care Centre Provides longitudinal full-service primary care and attachment in addition to meeting the episodic urgent primary care needs for both attached and unattached patients If you work in a primary care centre that provides care for both attached and unattached patients.
(V) Virtual Care Exclusive method of delivering health care diagnosis and treatment services is via virtual care. Does not include other clinics or centers where virtual care is provided in addition to in-person care (e.g. a Longitudinal Primary Care Practice offering virtual care services would not use V). If you are providing care for an exclusively virtual care clinic practice.
(W) Walk-In Clinic Provides same day, non-emergency Family Physician care without an appointment.  If you are providing care in a walk-in clinic.

Changing the codes to reflect a variety of treatment locations will help the Ministry of Health with operational and strategic planning as to where publicly funded MSP services are provided. Educating yourself about these new codes now will make for an easier transition in October. 

For those of you enrolled in the Business Cost Premium (BCP), MSP has not yet given definitive advice on how these new service locations will affect BCP claims. We hope to get this clarified soon and suggest continuing to use “A” until we get confirmation. Likewise, if you’re a Dr.Bill user we are currently working on adding the 9 new SLCs to our system, for the time being, we’d like to ask you to continue to use the A codes. Once we have the new codes ready to go we’ll let you know.

This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBC Ventures Inc. or its affiliates.

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Ashley is a freelance writer who is passionate about healthcare, positive psychology, traveling, and cooking.
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