We are proud to announce that Dr.Bill has joined RBC Ventures*. RBC Ventures goes beyond banking to create meaningful solutions for Canadians, which now includes medical billing services.
Dr.Bill was born out of the idea that there should be a better way for physicians to do their billing than using paper and old-school software products.
In early 2014, when Hirad, Milad, and I first met to talk about starting Dr.Bill our vision was to create a product that made medical billing pain free, even enjoyable. We built Dr.Bill on that philosophy and it shaped how we took an innovation-led approach to building the software – all the way through to the people we hired.
It’s been five years since then, and we think we’ve built the best medical billing solution in Canada. But we’re nowhere near done and we have big, bold plans. That’s why we’ve decided to join RBC Ventures. When we first met with the team at RBC Ventures, we knew immediately they were aligned with our vision and values. They’re committed to building meaningful solutions beyond banking that create value and make people’s lives better. This is exactly what we set out to do at Dr.Bill.
This will be a new phase in Dr.Bill’s journey, but one that’s completely aligned with achieving our goal of making medical billing simple and enjoyable. RBC Ventures is committed to Dr.Bill’s vision and is going to help us continue to grow. With them, we plan on scaling up our team so we can continue to invest in our software development and improve functionality. We’ll also expand our customer service and education materials so you learn how to bill better. In short, RBC Ventures is going to help us do more, faster and better than ever before.
The new ownership will mean some small changes to our branding with the inclusion of the RBC logo, but we will have the same great staff and our leadership team will continue to lead the strategic direction and operations. As a customer, the apps, service and standards you’re used to will remain the same. This means your subscription and pricing stays the same too. In short, all the things you like about Dr.Bill won’t change.
Protecting the privacy of your patients is paramount, and you can rest assured that the protections around your data truly are bank-level in their rigor. This information will only be accessed by RBC staff supporting Dr.Bill, as required to provide our services. This information is not shared with any other RBC company or entity. You can find more details about how Dr.Bill protects your privacy in our FAQs and our Privacy Notice.
Steve Lionais, Co-founder and CEO of Dr.Bill
*Dr.Bill is owned through RBC Ventures’ sister company, RBC Medical Billing Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada (RBC).
About RBC Ventures
RBC Ventures Inc., a subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Canada, is going beyond banking to create meaningful solutions that touch every Canadian. We are building new ventures, acquiring growing firms, making investments and partnering with organizations that share our vision. For more information, visit rbcventures.ca.
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