
9 Helpful Resources To Support Physicians & Healthcare Workers To Fight COVID-19

Alisha Shibli
Apr. 8, 2020
10-minute read

Amid the serious global outbreak, many physicians are on the frontline actively fighting the pandemic. They are working tirelessly to support their friends, family, and patients during this distressing time.

Now more than ever is the need for health care systems and health organizations to come together and offer resources, support, and infrastructure to physicians and health workers who are on the front line.

With the increasing demands, limited necessary resources, confusion, and uncertainty, as a physician you may be experiencing stress and burnout. The following list offers resources and support that all healthcare professionals can make use of during COVID-19.

1. Maple

Maple believes that just like every other vital service, healthcare too should be available online. The company offers multi-way video conferencing, modern medical charting and secure messaging across Canada. To fight the current pandemic, Maple is providing virtual clinic software to all Ontario and BC physicians free of charge. In fact, in Ontario, Maple is offering COVID-19 screening online.

2. Virtual Care Guide

With COVID-19 forcing people to stay indoors, the need for virtual care options has become necessary. Our mini-guide covers everything a healthcare professional needs to know about virtual care; starting from what you need to get started, the necessary tools, how to bill, and some more additional resources. Virtual care is one of the most efficient ways to continue caring for your patients while protecting yourself.

3. Ten Percent Happier Coronavirus Sanity Guide

During times of crisis is when you most need practical, actionable ways to cope with stress, fear, and anxiety. Ten Percent Happier’s Coronavirus Sanity Guide shares tons of helpful resources such as meditations, podcasts, blog posts, and talks that can help you build resilience and find some calm amidst the chaos. For those who haven’t subscribed yet, the company is offering free access for all healthcare professionals.

4. WHO Rolling Updates On COVID-19

From the time the first positive case was found in Wuhan, China to the present day, WHO is updating its website to offer the most recent updates and events as and when they happen across the world. It’s one of the most credible sources to get the latest information on new developments that are happening around the world regarding the novel coronavirus.

5. Government Of Canada – Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): For Health Professionals

The Government of Canada is sharing all the necessary information that you need to know to fight COVID-19. This includes information about the virus, its symptoms, epidemiological information, transmission, diagnostics, reporting, treatment, infection prevention, and general guidance. It is one of the most thorough resources to learn everything about the novel Coronavirus and how to fight/prevent it.

6. Kids And Company COVID-19 Updates

To provide some relief during these unsettling times, Kids and Company have assured parents that the fees will be waived for centers that have been mandated to close by the government. Parents who have paid the fees in advance will get their money credited to their account when the centers open again.

Here are some specific changes for frontline workers in:

British Columbia

All child care centers in BC will continue to remain open with an emphasis and priority for essential and critical workers.


The Ministry of Education has announced its plans to support Licensed Child Care Services for front line workers after they shut it down in March. If you’re on the frontline and require childcare, you can follow the guidelines sent by your Regional Municipality. Send an email to if you meet the eligibility criteria.

List of Ontario centers currently open to supporting critical and essential workers:

  • Burlington (Appleby Centre)
  • Aurora -Reopening April 9
  • London


Starting March 23, selected centers in Calgary, Edmonton, and Red Deer have been open and supporting all the frontline workers. If you’re working in the critical infrastructure roles and looking for childcare, then send an email to

List of Alberta centers currently open to supporting critical and essential workers:

  • Calgary
    • Aviation Crossing
    • Beltline
    • Bow Trail
    • Britannia Crossing
    • Eau Claire
    • Gulf Canada Square
    • Livingston
    • Marda Loop
    • Smart Tech
  • Edmonton
    • Edmonton Downtown
    • Edmonton ICE
    • Friendly Frog
    • Sunshine
    • Tamarack
    • St. Albert North
  • Red Deer

Podcast Suggestion: COVID-19 for kids with Olivia Attia

If you have kids who are old enough to understand what’s going on, you might want to sit down with them and listen to Peter Attai’s recent podcast episode with his daughter. It may help answer some of their que

7. OMA COVID-19 Physician Resilience And Stress Inoculation Resources (Ontario only)

With the rising confusion and uncertainty, it can get challenging to stay calm and focused at all times. The Physician Health Program (PHP) welcomes self-referrals from medical students, residents, physicians, and veterinarians in Ontario who are struggling with their personal health and well-being. Their services are completely confidential and they offer help if you’re experiencing distress, fear, anxiety, substance use, and other mental problems that are having an impact on your personal and professional lives.

8. BMA Wellbeing Support Services

There can be times when you’re so busy firefighting that you miss out on the symptoms of burnout and stress. Factors leading to burnout may include increased workload, lack of control, interference from superiors, front-line practice, patients’ pressures, and more.

This confidential questionnaire can help you slow down and screen yourself for symptoms of burnout. It will help you discover the feelings and experiences you have about your recent work situation so that you can get an idea of whether you might be susceptible to burnout.

9. Talking To Your Friends About COVID-19

As a healthcare professional, your friends, family, employees, and everyone looks towards you for information about the novel Coronavirus. The overdose of information can cause panic in most people. Share helpful resources and information with them so they know what to do if they experience any of the symptoms. Give them tips on how to maintain hygiene by washing hands regularly with soap, covering your mouth when sneezing or coughing, staying at home to avoid infection.

In these difficult times, it is crucial to seek help from one another and pause each day and be proud of the care you are giving. These resources are a great way to get regular updates and find ways to stay calm and focus so that all your energy can be spent in combating this pandemic.

This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBC Ventures Inc. or its affiliates.

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Alisha is a content marketing and communication specialist. She has a Master’s in Advertising and Marketing. She loves hoarding books and is always on the lookout for good newsletters. You can connect with her on LinkedIn.
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